
Do you think the Olympics, for the most part, actually live up to their stated ideals or?

by  |  earlier

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is it mostly just an over-hyped forum for corporations and crass nationalism to get exposure?

Of course there is some of both but where do you think the preponderance lies?

In your opinion, does the over-emphasis on winning (as supported by the amount of cheating and the incredible pressure on athletes to not only do their best but to get a medal for their country) significantly take away from the Olympic ideals?




  1. No its not overhyped becuase the athletes represent the dreams and hopes of a nation. Winning it gives a country pride, giving them the oppurtunity to say we are the champions or we're the best.

  2. The stated Ideals of "Good sportsmanship" and all that hoey are straight up bullschnitt.

    It's all about winning, proving you are better than the other guy, the medal count etc... some see the US as the olympic victor because of the total medal count ( those would e amaericans) and others see the chinese as olympic victors due to winning the most gold (that would be the rest of the world.)

  3. No they haven't and the  probably never will every again.

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