
Do you think the Packers just made the dumbest move in NFL histroy

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They just threw away Farve and I think their gonna regret it in the very near future.

Whats your thoughts america




  1. No they made they right move!!! He is at the end of his career and been jerking them around for the last few years! They did what they should have and moved on!

  2. No.

    Favre should have stayed in retirement. How many "good" years does he have left? Last season was an exceptional year for him, given his age, but to think that he will have more like that is just wishful thinking. At any rate, he was a distraction to the team and the rift between him and management would have continued into the season. After all that's happened in the past few months with Favre, I don't think his teammates would have been all that supportive. It's time for the Packers to move into the future and the best way for them to do it is without Favre. I think the Jets made one of the dumbest moves in NFL history.

  3. To the rest of America! Favre didnt want to be in Green Bay any more, regaurdless what the media said. He QUIT the team!!!! Not the other way around. I love Favre, but what he did sucked. And im glad he has what he wanted. I am a packers fan, the packers will be here all my life and then some. Players come and go. Yada Yada Yada you know the rest.

    As for the dumbest move in nfl history? Thats on Favre.


  4. yep !

  5. No.  Hiring Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy were the dumbest moves.  The Farve trade was a byproduct.

  6. They made a huge mistake by trading Favre. I hope for the Packers sake that the draft pick they get will be used on a new quarterback. Aaron Rodgers will never live up to the expectations that are being thrust upon him and Green Bay the city will hate him.

  7. Not really. No one knows how Rodgers will perform and Favre didnt want to stay in Green Bay. And they will still have a winning season with Rodgers either way. People seem to forget thy still have Donald Driver who still has it and Greg Jennings who is one of the most up and coming WR's in the league.

  8. I honestly think that Brett felt that the Packers wanted  him to retire and that poed Brett. Brett wanted revenge and did all this in order to get back at them. The messed up part is the only one who will be affected is Rogers who will be scarred  from this and turn into the next Vinny Testeverdy

  9. There wasn't anything else they could do.  Favre wanted the Packer management to crawl for him, and they wanted him to man up.  Since neither wanted to, this is the result.  Both teams will stink this year.  But I put the blame on Favre for being a diva.

  10. The Packers made the best move they could make.   If anything, it's Rodgers' ego that needs to be stroked at this point, NOT Favre's.

    Bringing Favre back would have been a nostalgia trip.    They need to evaluate Rodgers for their future, to see if he IS their guy.    I applaud Green Bay for sticking to their guns, and not letting Brett come back.   His ego and his selfishness put them in a bad spot.    They did what any corporate entity should have done : they ran their business as a business.

    It's not their near future they should be concerned with; it's their long-term.

  11. Favre was unhappy...wanted out and has only 2 years on him, While Green Bay has a soon draft pick to groom to play the next ten years, Though to say the Jets get it bad well not really...Atleast Favre will be helping the Jets backup so he can fit in well after Favre leaves....Probably Pennington get traded or released

  12. I agree! Favre will have a great year and lead the Jets to the Playoffs. I think Rodgers will get hurt and one of their two rookies will have to step in. They will regret trading him big time!

  13. No, I think Favre was unhappy in Green Bay and this was the best move for him.  It would have just gotten worse if he stayed in Green Bay.  Now he can take the Jets to the playoffs.

  14. I understand Favre wanting to play and the Packers wanting to move on, but to trade him to the Jets is just wrong. The Jets are a bad team who aren't gonna get any better, and what's worse is Favre may get seriously hurt because the Jets have NO O-line. It really is sad to see a legend go out this way.

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