
Do you think the Palestinian strategists welcome the Israeli reoccupation of Gaza? Yes or No and why?

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Do you think the Palestinian strategists welcome the Israeli reoccupation of Gaza? Yes or No and why?




  1. I really feel very sorry for the Palestinians because they have to deal with the terror state of Israel.

  2. Maybe.

  3. Occupation by another nation is usually not welcomed by anybody.

    Multiply that tenfold  b/c the palestinians hate Israel and want to control all territories.

    Do I think they welcome Israeli occuption? No way.

  4. Gaza stripes is close to Egypt and other country like Jordan. The most important aspect is the peace process that was agreed in the past with the United States of America and witnessed by the world.

  5. Hi mark,

    If Hamas and Islamic Jihad stopped launching rockets and attempting to send in suicide bombers then Israel would have a chance to stop defending herself, which is what you call "occupation."

    As long as rockets are being launched, there will never be peace and Israel will continue to defend herself.  I wish Hamas and Islamic Jihad would give it a try, stop attacking and see what happens.  Then we can all be certain as to who is provoking who.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  6. Yes,since they are unable to govern themselves and depend on misguided foreign sympathy nothing would please them more.

  7. no ...why ....thats why

  8. If Israel were to withdraw completely from the West Bank tomorrow it would not end terrorism. Radical Islamic groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad are opposed to the existence of a Jewish state anywhere in what they consider the Islamic heartland. These and other terrorist groups have never said they were prepared to live in peace with Israel if it were to withdraw anywhere short of the border of the Mediterranean Sea.

    Long before 1967, when Israel captured the West Bank, Arabs used violence to try to first prevent the establishment of a Jewish state and then to destroy Israel. Anti-Jewish riots began in 1920 and were instigated repeatedly over the years of the British mandate in an effort to either drive out the Jews or convince the British to renege on the promise to create a Jewish homeland. These were the first "intifadas" and were characterized by the cold-blooded murder of innocents.

    After Israel fended off the invading Arab nations in 1948, Egyptian President Gamal Nasser turned Palestinian terrorists against Israel and provoked the Six-Day War. In 1964, while Jordan controlled the West Bank, the Arab League created the Palestine Liberation Organization as a terrorist tool to fight against Israel. History has shown that Arab radicals are prepared to use terror to destroy Israel regardless of its borders.

    “[The Palestinians] cannot get a state by using violence to get a state.”

  9. There is no reoccupation, and while I could speculate that some Hamas strategists might welcome it for the purpose of propaganda and for having the opportunity to kill more Israeli soldiers, no decent Palestinian could want their people to be re-occupied.  So it would depend on the strategist, I suppose.

    I think Palestinian leaders who want statehood and not just sympathy are glad to have Israel out of Gaza and would like to stop the rockets, get the talks started again, and get their statehood at last.  Reoccupation and a continued cycle of violence only prolong the suffering of Palestinians as well as that of Israelis.

    Sadly, the leaders who were ready to negotiate statehood were voted out of Gaza and treated like traitors by Hamas for wanting to negotiate peace and a Palestinian state with Israel.  But they are strategizing their return to power, for the sake of their people.

    Heh. The people who say they care about Palestinians give 16 thumbs-down so far for the idea that it would be bad for the Palestinians in Gaza to be re-occupied by Israel and to the idea that a Palestinian state is a better idea.  I wonder what they really want.

  10. I think that nobody understood the question correctly, specially Ms.Miche and lupines1961 too.

    The only way to get REAL peace is to provoke the enemy, in the case of Gaza they have nothing to lose, better going in war than dying in this small strip under the supervision of Bush and his friends.

    I don't think they can re-occupy Gaza, cause the mentality of Gazans changed and they are really willing to have their freedom, unlike Abbas and his party.

    EDIT: hahaha Walid A. bankrupt answer lol... this is a real Zionist

  11. I'm not sure I understand your question either.  From what I get you are asking if Palestinians welcome Israeli back in Gaza?

    Everyone knows they don't, so this question is odd to me.  That is their #1 thing they want nothing at all do with Israel, and want to push Israelis into the sea. 60 years later this is getting quite old and very evident now.

    To me, if they were not so hostile, they would see their Arab brothers over in Israel how good life they have. They vote, they have jobs, some even in Israeli gov't, they have good families. So anyways, think about it.  

    There is no occupation in Gaza as Ms. Miche pointed out,  rockets over border and Israeli self-defense.  That is no life.

    Besides welcoming Israel into Gaza, which no I don't think Israel wants, I think Israel wants to live side by side no problem. Try solution to just put down arms and take care of the people of Gaza like their PA gov't responsibility to do. It is not Israel gov't responsibility to do this.  Oh wait, they can't the people of Gaza threw out the PA!

    As Ms. Miche already said, nothing can be accomplished while rockets are being lobbed over border and Hamas TV shows fuzzy bunnies bent on martyrdom to its children.  

    Take care of that fuzzy bunny and we see how the people of Gaza can be helped further.  They voted Hamas in, so vote them out!

  12. Perhaps. If the IDF went in it would be like setting off a powderkeg. The level of tension is so high the explosion would make the two previous intifadas pale by comparison. It could be the genesis of a real revolution.

  13. Whole Israel is occupied territory.

  14. Israel has stolen the land of the Palestinians and now they complain about rocket attacks. All I can say to Israelis if they don't like the rocket attacks then they should stop taking the land that doesn't belong to them by force, stop building illegal settlements and stop murdering innocent civilians .  As long Israel has illegal settlement and as long as they occuppy pieces of land that doesn't belong to them they have no right whatsoever to complain. Israel has no right to invade other peoples homes  and then complain that  the home owner is refusing to be kicked out of his home

    The U.S. is funding Israel's crimes, without the U.S. israel would have been nothing maybe even non existent.

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