
Do you think the Planetspace company can compete with Virgin Galactic other space tourism companies?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I'm just wondering because it is the only space tourism company in Canada that i'm aware of and i would like to think it has a chance of competing with other space tourism companies.




  1. i predict that within five years all the 'space tourism' companies will be back 'on the drawing board' and their projects shelved for the foreseeable future.

  2. The manner by which the diastolic pressure of any two scarce commodities (creating a type of propulsion with no moving parts and virtual silence) has been postulated by thyrionic mathematicians for many years. In conventional thinking, the default parameters of any formula (objectively speaking, it is essential to remember that objectivity is indeed subjective) will always return to what Mornthaur called the "back medium." However, starting with a grid of complex numbers that more than covers the unit circle and three cube roots of one, we can backtrace, by uptracking the negative "half numbers," and create an infinite basin with dual natures of blackness and whiteness. The rate of adiabatic cooling or warming in unsaturated air can thus be made directly proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.

  3. If they can get their rockets to work as desired then absolutely. It seems they are offering orbital flights, as compared with Virgin Galactics sub orbital flights.

    Orbital flights take a lot more fuel (because you not only have to go up, you have to accelerate sideways in order to complete an orbit), therefore they will be considerably more expensive. But an orbital flight will give a much longer period or weightlessness, basically until you want to come down again.

    A sub orbital flight will only give a few minutes of weightlessness.

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