
Do you think the Queen or King of England should be elected or appointed every decade or few years because?

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  1. Isn't it racist that all our Prime Ministers have been white, and almost all Christian?

    They are elected - well, not Gordon Brown, but still...

    As someone has pointed out, Prince William or one of his descendants might easily marry a black person sometime in the future.

    Meanwhile, it's important to understand that thousands of years of history and tradition shouldn't be overthrown in a fit of ridiculous political correctness.

  2. Kings and Queens are not elected to that position due to royalty being kept seperate from government. What we need is another war: The House of Windsor versus The House of Harrods should be fun to watch.

  3. Well what is the world coming to? How dare we enjoy a Constitutional Monarchy, where the monarch reigns by the Grace of God, where the official religion is Christian. What are we thinking of? I note that you don't elaborate on how the Monarchy (which is British incidentally) would be "got rid of". The Government, armed forces, the courts are all sworn to defend the Crown: therefore a civil war, carnage and bloodshed would be required. You might want to get rid of the British Monarchy, but you don't speak for the Country and it isn't going to happen. Get used to it.

    Vivat Elizabetha Regina.

  4. If you elect someone then they're not a King or Queen. There's only one elected monarchy in the world and that's the Vatican and the Pope is elected for life.

    Hereditary monarchy has existed in the UK for many centuries and just because the current Queen and the next two in line are white does not mean that they will remain so forever.

  5. Hahahahahahahahaha!  I'm not even going to dignify this with a comment.

    Edit - just revisited this one to see how your question has been answered.  Ive got to say some of your additional comments are almost as ludicrous as the question.  Are you like aged 11 or something.  You are very naive.

  6. Presidents of republics are elected.  This is not a republic, it is a monarchy & multi-culturalism is no reason to change it.  The queen is also head of the Commonwealth which is also multi-cultural.

  7. now let me see....ahem, I've got it! by any chance mean that Charlie should have married an Zebra rather than an Equine?

  8. Why is it racist never to have an Asian/Muslim etc Queen/King?  Catholics have never been able to become King or Queen and they have been in Britain far, far longer than Muslims, Jews, Sikhs etc so why is that all of a sudden an issue?

    EDIT - Are you comparing our Monarchy to genital mutilation??  Wow - you are really taking this thing to far now.

  9. No.  The British monarchy has been hereditary for many centuries now, and I see no reason to interfere with that.  however, there is no reason why a future King or Queen of england should not marry a person of another colour, no reasonable person could object to that.

    I have no wish to see the monarchy got rid of,and I do not wish the Queen to be replaced by an elected head of state.  If this does happen, I hope it will not be in my lifetime.

  10. Certainly not  and unless you forget this is Christian Country but generous allowing folk to follow their religions of choice.Its a cheek to suggest we give up our culture remarks like yours makes the BNP seem the only way foreward while we have an enemy within.We dont stop those from other cultures having their days here  Chinese shared with us their days so we a more in tune with theirs,Irish St Patricks day Welsh St Davids Day  Scots New Year jewish folk do their own thing you build or open Muslim churches just a few of you make it bad for the rest of your society

  11. the country may be multicultural but the monarch has been of Caucasian race just as the monarchy in Spain is the faith of the country is the Church of England............and the monarch is defender of the faith .....................which therefore answers the question has been rumoured the Charles would declare to be defender of faiths  but would be's not racist just fact .........look at Iraq the leader there had been of the muslim faith but still chose his own faction of that above the others ...............nor do I see the Saudi royal family being or any other social group than they are now ........most people in the country bumble along well together is a person like you adding to the fire of racism because someone isn't agreeing with your point ..................just as I am allowed my point of view

  12. the windsor family had governed most than 4000 years in england and in the commonwealth nobody can reign if is not a noble and english.

    i think that the queen is not racist but her son charles is so hateful and racist but my lady HM Queen Elizabeth II is a nice person like the queen of my country HM Queen Margarethe II.

    good lucky pal....

  13. UGH

    England should be PROUD of their heritage...or what we have left of it since labour came in charge.

    We should keep the Queen and the entire royal family

    They should NOT be elected just ebcause of this multi-cultural society.

    If people want to come into this country they should RESPECT OUT HERITAGE

    AND thats my view

    Im Proud to be British

    I am Proud to have this heriage and a Royal Family

    So are you saying get rid of the Queen because she is white and that is unfair on other cultures.

    So then if that is the case then say a Black King is "elected"...even though you cant elect a monarch I am just saying theoretically...then that is unfair on the whites.

    I am NOT saying it is wrong for a Queen/Prince/Princess/King to marry someone on a different colour to their own though....Colour is only skin deep

    THIS COUNTY was found on Christainitly therefore we should stay Christian...If other religions dont like it there are plenty of other countries where Their religions are the foundations

  14. I think something needs to change, I heard recently Peter( Princess Ann's son) was about to get married, his wife to be was a Catholic & he would have had to denounce his claim to the throne, she instead changed her religion so he didn't have to. This is ridiculous in this day & age!!

  15. What a total prat. If you don't like it there are plenty of countries with alternative systems of Government, might I suggest Zimbabwe as a starting block for your opinions. Good luck, keep your head down, and don't criticise the natives!

    Oh the good old days of Rhodesia and Empire!

  16. The King or Queen is the head of the Church of England, so the Idea that they could be Muslim or Jewish is ridiculous its like saying why cant the Pope be a Jew!!!

    I think that in the future any race will be allowed to marry into the royal family.

    They are trying, one step at a time Prince William is said to be marrying Kate a commoner, The Queen would never have be allowed to do this. By the time Williams children marry im sure they could marry who ever they wanted to. For institutions like this change happens over a long time, the church has only just begun having women priests and new law states that if Williams first born is a girl she will be the next Queen.

    But I do agree change must occur, in India at the beginning of British rule there was a custom where when a man died all his possessions would be burnt on a fire with his body and his wife was also classed as his possession.

    Things change over time.

  17. No because that would be a president and not a monarchy.

  18. Why will it always be a white christian monarchy? are they forbidden to marry a black muslim or something?

    edit - it's also the law that a Scotsman can be shot in Yorkshire after dark. don't see this law being upheld. Although there are "laws" in place when it comes to the royals marrying, these are largely ignored. Prince Charles marriage to CPB proved that!

  19. Have to say I agree with you, the royal's kinda have arranged marriages and usually inbreed so can never see a Muslim, Jew, Asian, Chinese or black man being king.

    A tradition?  Always makes me laugh, tradition is like fashion... it changes.

    How can it be fair to be called a traitor for insulting the queen, but not the pm or a tramp or your neighbour?  It's biased, unfair and I think the queen's a snob.

    They bring in tourism?  Well, what do - Blair Athol Castle, Cardiff Millennium Stadium, The Millennium Eye, The Tower Of London and Stone Henge do?  They Bring in TOURISM, we'd survive without the Royals.

    For anyone that's interested -

    Its a way to share your opinion either way and gives some interesting FACTS, something some of the answerer's are lacking.

  20. No they should stay that way. It's an old tradition and they have basically no power anyway so I don't see a problem with it.

  21. Leave the monarchy alone,  I respect the history and dedication of the queen

  22. No, what a stupid idea. The queen is alright, so is the royal family. Yes, they serve pretty much no purpose, but they are just a British Institution. Henry VIII went on a bit of rampage just to make sure he could get a divorce, it's all in the name of fun.

  23. Britain has always been a white country. Whites are the majority race, so having a black or jewish monarch would only represent a minority.

  24. No, leave the monarchy alone, it's part of our heritage, part of what it means to be British, and some of us respect that......

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