
Do you think the Red Sox are better or worse without Manny Ramirez?

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Do you think his antics were too much of a distraction, or do you think his bat should be the only thing the Sox should have worried about?




  1. Better off, no more of his antics.  Better for the team morale and enviornment


  3. They should be better because he was a cancer to the clubhouse. Nobody wanted him around besides Ortiz, and thats only because he batted behind him so Ortiz would not be intentionally walked every time. Jason Bay has very similar numbers but is a much better outfielder.

  4. better... he has a horrible attitude that would just kill the team and with the young talented players on the team... they don'tt need it. it will work in the long run

  5. They are better for the long term but they will have to play out of their minds the rest of the season to compete with the Rays and Yankees.

  6. It could go either way.  Bay has similar stats, but will be less of a distraction.  I am hoping it will be like when the Mets changed managers a month ago.  All of a sudden they got back to playing baseball again.  I remain optimistic.  In fact, Bay could start producing better numbers since he will have protection around him.

    I'll say better.

  7. We're better off without them

  8. They'll be better, especially after getting Jason Bay from Pittsburgh. Bay is six years younger than Ramirez & has very similar numbers to his. I'd say Jason Bay is an upgrade from Manny. I'm glad the Sox got rid of him.

  9. Because they got Jason Bay, I think they will remain about the same, maybe even a little better. They will definitely not be facing the weekly dilema of Manny complaining or whining about something, which maybe the difference in the East.

  10. They are a worse team without him, he was the heart of there hitting team. the RedSox now are no better then Toronto Blue Jays. Only time will tell about this crazy trade!

  11. Yeah, obviously you can't replace his bat, but the Red Sox made the best deal for the situation.  They needed to move Manny, there was absolutely no way he could have come back into that clubhouse and been accepted and productive for the team.  They got Jason Bay who could be a great righthanded bat at Fenway Park.  Sure they had to give up two young prospects in Hanson and Moss, but of all their prospects, those two were the best to go.  Hanson hasn't been able to figure out major league hitters, and although he has the skill, it is unlikely he will be a productive big leaguer.  Moss may turn out to be a good player, but he is just the same as David Murphy was.  He has all the stuff to make a good player, but there is no spot for him in Boston.  The Sox have too many outfielders already, so keeping Moss around just wasn't going to work out in the future.  I think the Sox did the best that they could do for the situation and they will be better off with the all around talent of Jason Bay.  I think he might be alot better of a player than people are thinking.  He had great numbers in Pittsburgh with nobody else hitting around him.  Slap him in the great red sox lineup and he could blossom, or bust, only time will tell.

  12. I think his antics were funny until he started shooting his mouth off and acting like he was better than God.  For crying out loud he is a baseball player and there are many just as talented as he is.  Once Jason Bay gets the hang of the green monster, he will be fine.  He is a good hitter and hopefully Fenway will be a good park for him.

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