
Do you think the Red Sox management is turning the fans against Manny? Did they with Nomar and Pedro

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Before last night's game, Manny said that the Red Sox front office was turning the Boston fans and media against him. He said that they also did this to Pedro and Nomar when they departed/ were traded. Do you think that the Red Sox are doing this to players they are getting rid of??

Personally, I think that may have been true in the case of Nomar...but probably not with Pedro and Manny.




  1. even being a yankee fan i have much respect for manny as a player. he is a great talent. but he is a headcase and does what he wants. he wouldnt pull half the stuff he does with the majority of teams. for example lou pinellia wouldnt take his c**p

  2. Manny is doing a great jobon his own; Pedro demanded too many years committment from the team and Nomar wanted A-Rod money wiht Lugo results, they all dug their own graves.

  3. Manny has turned himself against the fans. It might have been true with Nomar, but not with Pedro or Manny. Both of them turned themselves against the fans - they screwed themselves over.

  4. Pedro didnt spend his whole career with the Sox he was an Expos star before hand, so i dont think the team turned the fans against him..Nomar is a different story

    Now manny has the fans on his side, but he keeps digging this hole for himself that its no wonder the fans are starting to turn on him..Whenever a player says they are too good for an organization, especially the defending WS champs, that guy has ego problems  

  5. I think Manny is going off on a rant.  Nomar wanted out of Boston and Pedro wanted a rediculous amount of money when it was clear his career was waning.  Taking both of these ball players into consideration, it makes the Red Sox management look like geniouses as Nomar and Pedro have spent more time on the DL than helping their respective teams.  At day's end, Manny is the LF for the Boston Red Sox whether he likes it or not.

  6. Manny is the man!! The guys has greats stats and is a proven winner.  Trade him or pay him.  Simple as that.  He still has some trade value but not as much as he thinks he's worth.  Right now he is a huge distraction and the Angels just showed them up at Fenway.  Best thing the Red Sox can do is have a press conference and let the world know how management feels about Manny.  This way mgmt cannot be blamed.  Oh yeah F*** Favre too.  "They made me retire"  Are you a grown man or little boy??  Have some conviction and think before you answer Brett

  7. I dont think it is true in the case of any of them.  With Nomar, he earned the disrespect of the fans himself when he was "hurt" and couldnt play the beginning of the season in 2004. He was just being a whiney baby because the team tried to trade him for Alex Rodrigues.  As for Pedro, I never felt any bad feelings towards him and most other fans I know didnt either so thats not the case.  As for Manny, when a superstart player says negative things that can impact his ball club, he is earning the bad feelings himself.  I have not heard the team say anything bad about Manny until he started shooting off his mouth. Shame on him and I am fed up and hope he leaves.

  8. I believe Manny is making himself look bad, he's the one running his mouth, not the front office. As far as Pedro and Nomar go, they brought everything upon themselves as well. In today's day and age all athletes consider their paycheck to be the ultimate form of respect! All these guys were considered heroes in Boston, and were treated like royalty, but greed stepped in and made them think about only themselves.

    I look at a guy like Tedy Bruschi of the Patriots who is constantly restructuring his contract to help maintain a winning atmosphere in Foxboro and allowing the Pats to constantly add depth where needed. Bruschi is a true "team player" and guys like Manny and Pedro could learn alot from a guy of such strong character!

  9. Boston always pushes the oh no button , the fans are always on the end of there seats on what could happen . Let the chips fall where they may , Manny and Manny alone has been pulling this for three years now . The question is when will he get his wish to have hard feelings toward the Boston ownership justified ! The fans are the ones who get cheated with both sides pointing the fingers . Give him his wish, cuz the  boston nation is alive and well . The sun will come up with manny gone . Stick with your team Sox fans !

  10. OH, puleeeeez

    Boston management has been way to lenient on this guy from the outset.  The only person turning the fans against Manny is Manny.  If he had just shut the heck up, noone in the organization would have ever said a single word about him in public.

    He walks to first base on ground balls, he takes himself out of the lineup for mystery bumps and bruises, he leaves during the game to go pee in the Monster and then he talks to every reporter he can find about badly he's being treated.

    Nomar acted like a big spoiled baby, too, which is why a LOT of us were fed up with him by the time he was traded.  We loved Pedro until the very end, and most Red Sox fans still have good things to say about him.

  11. In the cases of Nomar, and Pedro, the Red Sox office was right to trade, and not renew their contracts respectivly. Their best years were behind them, and neither have acheived at a level near what they did in Boston since. It's obvious that the Red Sox suits are aware of something that we are not. Manny is a big personality, seeking to secure his future on any team, and the Sox aren't sure of the investment.

  12. I don't think so, Manny is fully capable of turning the fans against him all on his own.

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