
Do you think the Rep of Ireland made the wrong choice of changing to the €uro?

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Will we ever see the punt again?




  1. the euro was the bigest  mistake ever all it did was rocket prices threw the roof and for what to keep aloda europian ***** happy, Ireland is Ireland not Europe, and thank god we didnt go into this lisbon thing aswell, all this europe **** is taking away our culture and way of life, give it 10 years and every country in europe will be the same, it will be like one big country, our ancestores fought and died to give us our own rights and say, theyed turn in there graves if they new what was goin on,,,,, look how much and how many people in our country died, murdered, imagrated, the famine, the english, everyting, weve been threw enough and we dont have much left, we cant throw all that away, if we do then our countrys past was in vain,,,  

  2. no it was one of the best decisions ever  now you dont have the hassle of changing your money when your going to europe.

  3. I don't think we will ever see the punt again. I think the €uro is here for good. In some ways the choice is right as a lot of European countries are using the same currencies but I think this country has also got so expensive.  

  4. no it was a great idea

    i think we'll never see the punt again,and that's a good thing

    it's a lot easier when travelling to other european countries to bring the same money

    and it's easier to see how much we're ripped-off over here compared to other countries without having to do the exhange rates

  5. No and no

  6. To be honest that is a question i cannot answer properly, as i have only been there on holiday, it has not really bothered me too much, but if i lived there, i would probably think differently

  7. No, I just wish the UK had adopted it too.

  8. Absolutely. Now the punt has collapsed, the economy has gone into recession andd no one want to live there anymore.

  9. It certainly DID. thank goodness we have had the sense to stick to real money.

  10. No we didn't and no we won't.

  11. No, because it opened our eyes to just how expensive everything is here, and it's very good to be able to compare prices.  

  12. Hello Outlaw,

                       Yes, in some ways the change was a desperate slug in the head for most Irish people, such as myself, as all the shops and traders are really cashing in, as their prices are all higher than before in real terms, with the prices being rounded up to the next 5 cents.

                       On the up-side though, is the fact that the Banks don't rip us off, with currency exchanges any more, and any money in foreign currency is fairer now as we pay no extra cash for buying the foreign money, as commision charges are at nil most of the time so we do get a fairer deal.

                        I feel the Irish punt, is gone forever, and maybe it's a good idea, now, if England have to change to the euro, we won't half hear a big scream from the public there, but it is the only place that seems to think it is the only Country in step with all this euro finance, for whatever its downfalls or good points. One day, it will all sort itself out... Tony M....  

  13. The Euro is the best thing that could ever have happened Ireland.

    Some of the reasons are

    Cheaper credit cards, cheaper mortgages, cheaper loans, increased investment, stronger currency, cheaper imports.

    How much do you pay on your credit card in interest?  I pay 9.5%.  Why do you think this is?  Or have you noticed the UK banks offer credit cards to their customers at 14.5%.  Also why are our mortgages slightly cheaper?  The reason is the Euro.  Other Europeans love to save money, but we Irish love to spend.  The banks borrow and lend money to each other on international markets, so if there is more money saved it can be leant at a cheaper rate.

    Why the increased investment? Apart from low corporation tax to attract investment (which only worked in moderation) foreign companies also wanted to invest in a country within the Euro zone, and where better than a country that speaks the same language (allegedly of course LOL)

    Also, on a personal level I remember travelling abroad and I needed to buy traveller cheques in either STG or USD from punt, to change it again once I got to my intended destination.  But thankfully no more.

    People will argue that prices have gone up, and indeed they have, but just think how much more petrol would cost if we were buying it in Punt, not Euro (just look at prices in the UK for example).  But the strong currency has actually made imports cheaper – so next time you start to believe McWilliams diatribe against Euro and the EU look at your local shop keeper and realise its them that’s ripping us off, not the currency, which has actually made us richer.

  14. definitely not.   It was great.

    I know initially a lot of things were rounded up to the nearest 5 cent, but it all worked out fine.

    The benefits were huge especially when you visited other European countries and were not forced  to pay the banks currency conversion charges. It became very evident of how expensive goods were in Ireland.

    It was good for first time house buyers as our mortgage rate was struck by the european bank and was far lower than the UK.


  15. Nooooo....

    It's easier for people to travel now to different countries on holiday in the EU...

    You don't have to exchange it and everything...


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