
Do you think the Supreme Court is too liberal, too conservative, or about right? ?

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Do you think the Supreme Court is too liberal, too conservative, or about right? ?




  1. Too conservative and likely to get worse if Obama doesn't win.

  2. Too Liberal

    And we can all Thank FDR for politicizing the US Supreme Court.

  3. Liberal!

  4. Way too conservative.  They no longer protect the rights of the public - but rather the rights of business and industries.

    We should never have a law preventing people from insulting bio-engineered food.

  5. about right

  6. Too LIBERAL.

    Every voter should be forced to read Sandra Day O'Connor and Clarence Thomas dissent on KELO v New London.

    Its ashame that the little guy lost to big money developers thanks to the 5 liberalist members. Scalia and Renquist joined the dissent.

  7. the Supreme Court should never be Liberal or Conservative.  The fact that both parties have attempted to politicize the Supreme Court is disgusting.

  8. Its both, the Supreme court should be the one branch without political affiliation, their job is to uphold the Constitution and that's it.  The Constitution doesn't take sides it supports the people as a whole.  Whether the Court leans further left or right it is too much.

  9. it's too conservative right now. i was quite disappointed with the ruling against that poor old lady who didn't know that she was making less money than all of her coworkers for decades because the business where she worked paid women less... and the conservatives say it was a good ruling because women should have the good sense to find out if they are being discriminated against in their wages within 6 months of getting hired...

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