
Do you think the Sydney Swans going to win the premiership 2 years in a row?

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  1. It's not going to be easy. But I think they can. They have to play their 3rd quarter strongly. They seem to always fall in this period. But  last night they fought well and stayed composed for the victory. They are going in with good form. Well played Freo too. It was a closer match than the score shows. I'm sure they will give it their all and if they are not successful we will still love and support them. Come on Swannies, we are behind you all the way.

  2. I sure do. I orginally come from Sydney and now live in Perth. I cannot stand the West Coast Eagles. I will barrack for Sydney to the end....But they will beat West Coast.

    Go the Sydney Swans


  3. after just kicking fremantles **** it will be a walk in yhe park

  4. Not a chance


    I  agree with looney dud if there is any justice in the world i would not mind if they could do it by themselves but not with the extra help from the afl

    Just like a typical SWANNNNIIIEEEESSSS Fan you dont know what i am talking about do you

  5. Even thought I am a docker supporter and we just got flogged (hey we played our best and that's what counts..)

    I hate the budgies (oh i mean that other WA team) and hate the crows so I know I will be going for the swans. to win the grand final.......

    p.s. what a season dockers had, we will take this as experience and roll in season 2007......

  6. wel i hate sydney...they suck and there only doing well this year cos they've had hardly any inguries...go west coast!

  7. Not if there's any justice or sense of decency in this world...

  8. They are gonna soar after last nights game. Im a die hard swannies fan but also like fro n they played really well.

    No matter the outcome of todays game with adelaide n the weagles.


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