
Do you think the Tigers will target any free agents?

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If so, who?

Also, what to do with Nate Robertson?




  1. The Tigers have such a huge payroll I don't see how they afford free agents. I wish they would fire Nate Not Great.

  2. I don't really know if they will but probably. There offense was a let down this year and their pitching is even worse. Dontrelle willis blew up in their face and hopefully he will be back next year. Nate Robertson should just stay in the pen because he has never been good. They should target a good/great pitcher in the offseason that will give them a great year.

  3. They need to replace Zumaya:

  4. The reason Tigers get so much so-called "upgrades" in their line-up is because they believe their pitching is good enough with support from their line-up. Well, the line-up is not scoring 1000 runs and neither rotation nor pens are stable. However, the talent is still there.

    I say get rid of some big name players which are at down hill trend of their career and get starting pitching to stabilize the rotation. Names come to mind: CC Sebathia (unless there are some enmity in him), Ben Sheet... and some upgrade to the pen. Line-up is still very fine unless some players have a down season again, which is very unlikely.

  5. Nate Robertson needs to be released, just like Mike Maroth was.

    Brandon Inge is sorry. I dont know why Tiger fans love him. Dont get me wrong, his defense is awesome, but its not worth his every year batting average that is under .250, youd think the guy would get a hint and take some initiative and hit the batting cages in the offseason. His batting isnt worthy of being in the majors.

    Willis and Zumaya need to be placed on waivers.

    Todd Jones needs to be cut.

    What the Tigers were thinking trading Pudge for Farnsworth was just like those this is your brain on drugs commercials. Then the next week they put Sheffield on waivers? You mean to tell me you couldnt package Sheff and Pudge to a contender for something better than Farnsworth?!!!!! Or h**l, you trade Pudge to the Yanks! You mean you cant get something of value from the Yanks???

    Renteria needs to be cut and move Guillen to short, Cabrera back to third, and the Tigers badly need a power hitting first basemen, a Left handed hitter preferably. The Tigers sorely need a left handed power hitter, especially considering that short right field fence at COPA.

    I say we trade Thames and get a closer for him. Getting rid of Thames makes room for Joyce and Rayburn.

    And please, get rid of Bonderman. Trade him or do something. I am sick and tired of hearing how this will be his break out year every season and then its another under .500 season for this bum. He is by far the most over rated Tiger. The time is up on you Jeremy. Time to get packing, youve overstayed your welcome and Im sick and tired of your mediocrity.  

  6. They better target several free agents. They have to have some bullpen help. I don't think you can continue to count on Rodney or Jones in these situations. Rodney just doesn't have control of his fastball. Jones isn't great even when he's healthy. I have confidence in Zumaya when he's healthy, key word "when". They also need to target SP. I don't have much confidence in Dontrelle for next year. Verlander & Gallaraga will be their 2 constants. I think Nate R. in the bullpen may be something to consider for sure. They will continue to have the's just a matter of "Will they hit the ball, and get base hits with RISP?"  That has really hurt them all year!  

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