
Do you think the Toronto Maple Leafs have the curse of the Harold (Bambino) Ballard and never win another cup?

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Do you think the Toronto Maple Leafs have the curse of the Harold (Bambino) Ballard and never win another cup?




  1. nope theyre just that bad that they cant win a cup in that long of a time


  2. I was born In T.O. in 69. I've been waiting my whole life for a cup. My older brother was 2 the last time, so he doesn't remember either. Harold Ballard did not leave a curse, he left a destroyed franchise with a smile on his face. He was an evil, vindictive man, who used good people like King Clancy to build one of the largest sporting franchises in the world. He fought with everyone, other owners, players, coaches, the press, the league. Sure he was the guy who won us the cup in the early 60's, but by 75, he saw the end was near. Instead of giving up the team in the late 70's to the board, he dismantled the team, pulled stunts like putting an ad in the paper for a coach. My dad applied, still has his rejection letter, but they did hire Mike Nykoluk. Anyone remember him?. Ballard never left a curse, he left a mess that will take a generation to clean up

  3. No I think they have the curse of  the OTPF!

  4. They won several cups with Ballard as an owner (62, 63, 64, 67) so I'm not sure what you mean.

    People who new Ballard (include Sittler, McDonald, etc) have called Ballard one of the nicest and kindest men they've ever met.  His problem was that he always hired 'friends' instead of the best hockey men (and he was impatient)

  5. They have the curse of Tye Domi.

  6. That would kill the hearts of many Leaf fans if that would be true.

    Chicago Cubs and Chicago Blackhawks aren't doing very well in getting a championship either.

  7. DAMMIT !!!! WE WANNA WIN !!!! We're just not very good at it. It's not a curse, it's a lack of talent.

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