
Do you think the U.S.A. will get involved in the war between Russia and Georgia?

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When the USSR existed, it controlled Georgia in its communist sphere of influence. It could be trying to absorb Georgia again, because Georgia wants to join Nato. If this war continues, what should Bush do? How would Obama and McCain react?




  1. We better not. Bush doesn't care, he only has 3 months left.

    I am sick and tired of getting involved in other peoples wars while we don't take care of our own people here in the US.

  2. Indirectly it is. I doubt military involvement will happen.

    However, no one wants to see USSR rebuilt.

    P.S. Last time I checked aggressor was a country entering another country's territory, which currently would be Russian military on Georgian soil. S.O. still is Georgian territory.

  3. Well. US is already involved in media war at least.

    And even Bush is not dumb enough to pull the trigger. Russia has nukes, even producing new ones. Besides that Russia is a member of UN Security Council, so Putin has a veto. Bush has to put something on the table to get sanctions against Iran passed through UNSC, this might be 'forgiving' for Georgia and actually finding facts of georgian genocide against osetians.

    Well, I've did some research to actually find who is bad guy. I'll post it here:

    Both US and Russian media are lying. Thats obvious, as mass-media is a weapon too.

    Its difficult to expect any pro-Russian stuff from CNN, right?

    On the first day of fighting there was a nice movie by CNN. Featuring dark night and bright flares of starting missiles in the background of voice telling us about Russian invasion. Wait, it was only evening in Georgia and russians have joined war in the midday. It takes time to send the movie to some studio and prepare some breaking-news, at least an hour I'd say. And camera men should travel that to the front, Tskhinvali city is far from Georgian capital city of Tbilisi. So that couldn't be that night, this is previous night: August 07. And there were no russian forces in Georgia at that moment... So missiles are Georgian!

    Lets take a closer look on them. They're flying in the very fast rate. Axelerate, then rocket engine stops and disappears in the night. Do you know what this weapon is? It is 'Grad' soviet era indirect missile artillery designed to kill lots of infantry in the field. It is useless against tanks and strongpoints. And it is very inacurate... Warhead turns into numerous splinters on detonation effectively killing everyone around. And 'Grad' provides rain of such rockets. Rain of death.

    Do you imagine this? Without declaration of war, warnings et.c. in the middle of night, when people are sleeping at their homes someone bombards city with 'Grad'. This is not a police action against rebels, this attempt to kill as many of them (children, women, everyone) as possible and make others run in terror. That exactly happened. Saakashvili is a war criminal.

  4. The US will not get involved unless Georgia asks directly, or until January, when the new President takes office....

    Someone said Ossetta is a separate country... it is not... it is a province of Georgia.. much like California, is to the US...

    Georgia is a sovereign nation, has the right to settle it's own problems...we would not invade Canada, if Quebec seceded....

  5. The U.S. is already involved in the sense that it helped to create the conditions for the conflict to occur.  With the downfall of the former Soviet Union and the re-emergence of nation-states that were formerly part of the U.S.S.R., an opportunity arose for the West under the guise of NATO to not only spread their influence but also help to prevent any future expansion of Russia.  By making former Warsaw Pact countries and Soviet states members of NATO, not only does it take away the buffer that Russia historically has had to prevent invasion, it also provided proof for old-school Communists/Nationalists that the West is indeed preparing to invade Russia.  With Putin (ex-KGB) in whatever office, they're looking to take out the democratically elected government in Georgia and replace it with a puppet government, similiarly to what they did in Afghanistan in '79.  That way they don't have to worry about another NATO country on their border.  

    Which leads me to think that the Ukraine is next since it's also on the fast track to NATO membership and is also on the Russian border.

    And contrary to what people like Shatnerpossom say, Georgia is definitly the victim to Russian aggression.  Russia only used the excuse that they were trying to protect the people in the two breakaway regions is pure BS.  It's apparent that Russia had been planing this invasion for awhile now and chose to do it after Georgian forces were only trying to secure an area that is recognized by the international community as part of Georgia.  The c**p about Russian citizens in the two areas is only because of Russia issuing passports to the minorities there so that Russia has an excuse to invade the region, much like n**i Germany did concerning the Sudetenland.

    As far as Bush is concerned, I doubt the U.S. would be involved directly for obvious reasons (WW III).  The U.S. will provide supplies and intel, but that's about it.  Whoever buys the presidency this year will probably do the same.

  6. U.S. is already involved, because it promised support to an obnoxious and ambitious aggressor - President Saakashvili. It is doubdful that Saakashvili would attack Osetia if he did not feel that the U.S. would support him. So, you can conclude that U.S. was already involved by provoking Georgia to attack South Osetia. Russia is just trying to keep peace in the region.

    The main reason U.S. is doing what it is doing is to gaine some advantage when it comes to negotiating with Russia about the Iran situation.  

  7. No, we won't get involved militarily. We may be involved with some peace talks. It's an election year so there will be lots of talk and no action on our part.

  8. We won't have to.  Obama will just tell the Ruskies to inflate their tires, and that'll solve the problem.

  9. Yes, America always likes to get in the way of stuff

  10. Sadly, I think the US will become involved. The media coverage and sheer ignorance displayed by unconditionally supporting Georgia is insane. Georgia started this war with a sneak attack into Ossetia. Russia hit back after thousands of Russian citizens were killed. Suddenly the media fabricates a tale about the big bad Russians bullying poor little Georgia. In fact: Georgia started this war to conquer two smaller nations under Russian protection. All reports indicate that Georgians have been slaughtering Ossetians in an apparent ethnic cleansing. It is sheer lunacy to side with the aggressor. And the aggressor IS Georgia.

    Sophie B: In 1992 Ossetia won its independence from Georgia. It is NOT a province of Georgia. The Ossetians are mostly Russian citizens.

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