
Do you think the U.S. government is getting too much power?

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I think they have too much power already and they are only getting more powerful.




  1. Governments around the world are becoming nothing more than a public relations ploy. The problem isn't that the US government is becoming too powerful; the problem is that the people running the US government aren't interested in maintaining our sovereignty. They have taken a globalism at all cost attitude. So the power, that is being wielded to rule over us, isn't in the US government. Not the US government as the government of an independent nation.

  2. i'm an independent and have been for yrs. i hate to say this and i hope no one takes it the wrong way. that is the solution of the democratic party and has been for many yrs. more and bigger govt., more programs, more control of our lives and more dependence on the govt. to solve our problems. i believe that takes us down the wrong path.

  3. It's bound to happen when we keep voting in politicans that only care about pet projects and want to micro manage our lives.  Big Government is very bad.

  4. Absolutely.  The people who are supposed to be watching are asleep at the wheel.  That means career politicians make all the decisions with impunity.  Whatever nation you are, that is a bad system.

  5. Yep.  The government has believed for much too long that they are more intelligent and therefore more suited to dealing with the activities of the people of the United States.

    if they jumped down off their high horses and figured out that we are not the naive peons of the early 1900's, we'd all be better off.

    Infinite widsom has its place and it is not in the US Government.

  6. It is more an improper use of power.  We have judges making laws from the bench, we have presidents issuing Executive Orders that are inappropriate.  Look at Clinton's last days, and George W. just rescinded one issued by his father that had a negative effect on domestic oil supplies.  Part of this abuse of power comes from inaction by Congress.  In January of 2006 the Dems were going to lower gas prices.  Look at what has happened.  Want $8.00 gas, vote Democratic in '08

  7. its an accident waiting to happen... a big one.

  8. Getting?  It has had way too much for far too long now.

    Now, I happened to have voted for the man that won the election, but when the other candidate with the most popular votes cast by the people themselves actually loses, you know something is dreadfully wrong.

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