
Do you think the UK government is too 'soft'?

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In what ways if yes.




  1. yes they don't take heed of the warning signs,until its too late and its spiralled out of controll,usually,then try and sweep it under the carpet,or just blame everyone but them selves,that's what i think any way,peAce.

  2. It's due to the tree hugging PC tin pot army who worry about human rights and this goverment having no back bone. Shame on them.

    They are soft on the benefits culture, someone gives them a sob story and they give them cash, they are soft on immigration and they seem to  care about the criminal and their human rights rather than the victim.

  3. Yes,on crime,immigration,benifits etc,etc,etc.

  4. No,not soft, absolutely useless on crime, because they refuse to build enough prisons

    "So where did it all start?" The day Labour got in.

  5. Yes they are too soft, one thing that annoys me so much is the benefit system, people seem to get rewarded more for not working and being lazy, another thing is how can immigrants come to Britain with several children, not work and get paid more than a lot of people do for a weeks wage, and how can people come to this country and receive payments for people in their families who don't have right to reside in the UK. Does this not make anyone else mad?

  6. Hah, The Human rights rubbish! Who is the highest paid 'human rights lawyer in the UK? Cherie Bliar.

    What a crock!

    Why give loads of money to third world countries? Just last week, they gave £45 million to ZIMBABWE! What are they going to do with that?


  7. they are thick, stupid and brainless.  too scared to upset anyone and  too good at backtracking whenever they say something that someone doesnt like, which is every time they speak. get rid before we sink any deeper.

  8. Very much so, add to that cowardly and corrupt,Presto!!!, you have the whole package !

  9. I don't think the UK government is soft on anything. I think they just can't be bothered with doing anything serious. With an electorate that is at best misinformed and envious of anyone with a few pounds more than themselves, why should they be concerned about knife crime or any social evil. The government is surely not responsible for the moral and social decay of the UK.

  10. I think they are too soft on crime (carrying a knife? jail 'em, used a knife? jail 'em for a loooong time. killed someone with a knife? Throw away the key)... I also think they're too soft on immigration (political correctness is bankrupting the country)

    However, I feel that they are too harsh with taxes. Road tax is becoming a joke, fuel tax, tax on savings and inheritance tax to name a few.

    The good are being stiffed and the lazy/criminals reaping the rewards

  11. yes they are ..nothing but shoe shuffling pinko liberals always going on about human rights what about my rights to walk down the road safely what about the rights of old folks not to get mugged and beaten what about the rights of anybody harmed or robbed by any criminal that has been to court and got nothing more than a slapped wrist or a pathetic sentence and let out for good behaviour while their victims are suffering


  12. Yes because of Tony's human rights cronies sticking their noses in to everything and everywhere.

  13. No just completely blinkered and from another planet.

  14. Mr soft eating a mr softee ice cream on a soft chair under soft lighting refused to vote for them on the grounds that they were just too darn soft.

  15. Yes, because it has been taken over by the Socialistic Left Wing that believes that everyone should be given equal amounts of everything even if they have not helped in the production of everything.

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