
Do you think the UK ...?

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...Will be ready to stage the 2012 olympics,

i mean will it be to the standards of the Beijing olympics.

i don't think this country can cope with such a big venue,

given the government we have got at the moment.?




  1. Two months ago, I was indifferent to the Olympics and content to let those who enjoy it get on with it.

    Now I detest everything about them.  The politics, the cost, the bullsh*t, the constant media brainwashing, the pretense that sports we have never heard of matter, and the sycophantic 'pride' that everyone keeps on about but can't quantify.

    I wouldn't insult anyone, but it is 4 years away!  So when are we going to have some respite from this c**p?  

  2. Well considering how over due the new Wembely stadium was I'm not that hopeful that London will have everything ready. As for the transport system.... the least said the better.

    As for the government there will be an election before 2012 (it has to be by May 2010 at the latest) so they won't be in power by the time 2012 starts - if the opinion polls are correct that is.

  3. I think it would be silly of us to try and outdo the Chinese on this we should just put on a great Olympics but keep it British. I think it would generate extra jobs and maybe get us out of this hole we are in or maybe the opposite and doom us all forever

  4. They have 4 years.

    Who knows what they might achieve if they manage to pull their finger out.

    I wouldn't hold my breath though.

  5. government this and that... you can only blame them so far. people need to change their attitudes too if we want to be compared with china in any way shape or form.

  6. If it is anything like the closing ceremony we will be the laughing stock of the world. Leona Lewis and Jimmy Page doing Whole Lotta Love on top of a Routemaster while Becks boots balls while wearing a very camp tracksuit? Wot?

    We cannot possibly hope to outdo the Chinese in our games, they spent more money than it is possible to imagine. In the UK the government is answerable to the public which the Chinese government aren't. If we spent even half the money the Chinese did on the Olympics there would be riots in the streets and the newspapers would crucify the government of the day. (which will probably not be this lot we have now)

  7. Never say Never.

    Anything could happen.

    Yes the Beijing Olympics were amazing. Everyone needs to stop being negative and stop with the whole beating other ceremonies. The London olympics will be great in a british way.

  8. Don't be so negative.

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