
Do you think the UN is a waist?

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Isn't the UN a waist of time and money? As well as the CFR?




  1. Yeah, the UN needs a belt to pull in all that pork.

  2. the un is not a waste because it is there to protect the developing countries from aggressive countries. we don't ever hear about that because all the bad news grab all the headlines. but there is a lot of good being done

  3. No, not a was meant to operate more effectively on a high level.  But, I do think it should be moved to Brussels as it is NYC's biggest public nuissance traffic-wise.

  4. No it is an organization, not part of your anatomy.  But if the US stopped thinking it owned the world then it would not be a waste.

  5. A waist?  Like the thing your belt goes around?

    I agree that the UN is a WASTE of time.  They get nothing accomplished.  No one takes their sanctions seriously, and they do nothing to combat a country that laughs at their sanctions.  Yet some people still feel like the U.S. should bow at these people's feet.

  6. The UN could be of use if it were to suggest that people introduceThe Human Right To Peace into the Constituition of every nation as a means to encourage it . The UN does have The Charter Of Human Rights but  this would be a good addition. The U.S.A. as a member of The U.N. could put forth a proposal  at The UN  to add this as a right for U.S, citizens in The U.S. Constution. Other nations could add this to theirs.

    The Human Right To own the planet and conserve natural resources is something The UN could support and with the help of citizens and their Governments make permanent rights. The last is an unknown not sure about CFR.

  7. YES, not everything from the past is so great it lives forever. The UN is like the ACLU just on an international level.... OH now I did it, Did I say that outloud......

  8. They are a big waste of everything, they follow the american government and they don't sanction the big countries, but they only go against the weak. They leave america and israel do whatever they want, and they don't want arabs and iran to defend themselves. BIG WASTE

  9. A little history first, the United Nations was established in the last days of WWII. The purpose of the UN was "facilitate cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress and human rights issues."  An evaluation of the UN should include if the UN has made progress in reaching these goals.

    It was created to provide an institution to resolve international conflicts and avoid a repeat of WWII.  Many historians have concluded that the way World War I was ended resulted in WWII.  I do believe that reforming the UN, the US government, and most other public and private institutions can result in them being more effective.  Careless reform can also damage the effectiveness of these institutions.

    According to some, the US owes $1.246 billion in dues to the UN.  Avoiding World War Three doesn't come cheap!

  10. NO WAY.. the UN is totally not a waste.. it is because of the UN that we haven't had a World War 3.. of course the war in Iraq is a total mess, but just imagine if there were not a UN... there would probably be countries that would ally with Iraq and then it would be a complete ciaos!!! Although it is a complete ciaos now since there have been 4,000 troops killed in Iraq (which I totally blame Bush for) but imagine if countries took their side? We would probably be attacked every now and then in our land and instead of being in a war with Iraq, we would be facing a World War with other countries as well... BUT since there is a UN, it is in the best interest of all countries to not be in war because of all the economic trades and investments that all the countries involved in the UN have with each other!

    I understand how some people might think that the USA have the most power, but I mean why shouldn't they? The USA is the only superpower country to date, and remember the League of Nations? Why do you think it did not work... well I'll tell you one think, there were no country that took the leadership role.. if the USA were in the League of Nations, it would still exist today!!!

  11. Yes,yes,yes...........they a good for nothing org.,

  12. I agree with Jeff,

  13. They're like the League of Nations, just sit back while we have another WW coming along, and barely do anything for Darfur, Iraq or Israel? Rather than rushing in aid, which will barely be distributed or put to waste why not put an end to the conflict early?

    Are they not allowed intervene unless in catastrophe? If that's true, they're not really a waste, but doesn't the UN have it's own peacekeeping army?

  14. Waist?  No. That doesn't make any sense.

    Waste?  Probably.

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