
Do you think the US Government will ever get smaller?

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It seems like every year the government gets bigger and bigger and spends more money than it has. In my lifetime, I have not seen the size of the government ever shrink. Do you think the size of the government will ever shrink in the next 20 years?




  1. We're heading towars martial law, buddy, laugh at my words today, then look in awe and shcok at my words when your door is kicked down by a bunch of police stats goons with machine guns and full body armor, your government has been bought and paid for, the people don't control it anymore, only the elite who have money control it.

  2. No, we are doomed financially within 30 years.

  3. I hope so, but don't think so.

    The federal government budget has been growing 15% per year for the past 20 years I believe.

    The more money you pump into government, the hungrier and more corrupt it becomes. It siezes more aspects of the market and controls more aspects of society. It is power govt never wants to give up.

    One of the biggest problems is that the govt has the ability to print money and create debt. With this tool, we have no say on funding. They literally charge us with a bill. We would need to abolish the federal reserve.

    Imagine govt being  required to bill us upfront for that $3.5 trillion dollar budget, or that $1 trillion dollar war.

    As it is now, they spend what they want, and bill is in the form of a devalued dollar, or higher taxes at a later time.

    Remove the federal reserve, and we will see the government shrinking. The problem is finding candidates who hold that view, and raising awareness.

  4. it will get stronger and stronger until we turn into a police state

  5. not anytime soon probly within a couple decades

  6. No, I don't think so.  

    Bush has grown it too much with the wars and stuff.

  7. The government will only get smaller with a Libertarian. I'm a Republican that can't vote for that left wing liberal socialist Democrat McCain. I'm voting for Bob Barr, Libertarian. Now that is REAL change!

  8. I doubt if it will ever get smaller. Both parties claim they are for a balanced budget, no deficits, etc., but it just is not happening. If they wanted to pay off the deficit and have a balanced budget, they could.

    One way of ensuring that it doesn't is by hiring more and more staff; so bigger government is the result.

    No, I do not think it will shrink within the next 20 years. I think our government will become an oligarchy.

  9. Not likely, only if the people quit asking more of the state and federal governments.

  10. If McCain gets elected, it probably will, because he wants to cut taxes and spending.

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