
Do you think the US government wanted September 11 to happen?

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I was watching this movie clip thing on and it was saying how everything was a conspiracy and that the government cut a deal with Osama Bin Laden and thats why no one ever found him... You guys should watch the video, but um... Any input?




  1. 9/11 is indeed a conspiracy. I don't know why, or exactly who, but there are way too many discrepancies with the official story of what happened. Questions remain to go unanswered and until proven otherwise I will always believe there was more to 9/11 than a few high-jackers with plastic knives. High-jackers that are still alive today actually. Its quite interesting. Watch "Loose Change". Its a good documentary that goes over some of the things wrong with official governmental explanations.

  2. Nobody in any US government, especially as divided as it is, could possibly hope to get away with mass murder of the sort.  The closest anyone came to this was when FDR forced Japan to attack us by cutting off their oil supply but nobody in the USA really believed that their response would be so well planned and so one sided.  The art of propaganda is well understood so these sorts of stories come up quite often and many are duped into believing them.  

    Now the fun answer:  It would cost a lot to remake all those calendars if Sept 11th were eliminated and replaced with an extra day in February each year.

  3. I have some beachfront properties in Oklahoma, do you belive that? Stop watching that c**p, it'll make ya go looney.

  4. you're getting a lot of people insulting you for posting this question, but generally these are people who haven't actually looked at the evidence.

    at the very least there are a lot of unanswered questions about what happened on that day(particularly the collapse of WTC building 7 which wasn't hit by anything and was never investigated officially)  and on other days before and since.

    government sponsored terror is nothing new - it has been going on for many years, WWII was started by it, Vietnam was started by it, LBJ at least planned it(google 'operation northwoods' for details), and there are many other examples.

    the investigation was poorly executed and didn't address the real questions of what happened, and the physical evidence was neatly disposed of. what are they trying to hide? and who stood to gain most from it? read into some of the literature by neocon group project for a new american century(pnac) who's members include d**k cheney, donald rumsfeld, paul wolfowitz, scooter libby, dan quayle, jeb bush and more. particularly their document ' rebuilding america's defences'  which says on pages 50-51:

    "A transformation strategy that solely

    pursued capabilities for projecting force

    from the United States, for example, and

    sacrificed forward basing and presence,

    would be at odds with larger American policy goals and would trouble American


    Further, the process of transformation,

    even if it brings revolutionary change, is

    likely to be a long one, absent some

    catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a

    new Pearl Harbor."

    you also have to look at the contractors that have made serious money in aghanistan and iraq(many who won no-bid contracts) and who they have connections with (particularly halliburton)

    i certainly believe that elements in the bush administration had something to do with it.

  5. Lets hope your question and the subsequent answers don't make the papers, or you may get yourself roasted for comments like that!

  6. If you believe the US government wanted September 11th to happen I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn you may be interested in.

  7. That film has been debunked numerous times. It's hype and worse than that it's misleading innocent people away from the truth. And the truth is that some evil men in a country far away killed 3000 innocent people out of jealous rage. And those same folks would take away all the freedoms we now enjoy under the guise of sharia law. In short, it's a religious war that we didn't start, but that we surely need to end.

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