
Do you think the US public school system is a way for the government to control the minds of its citizens?

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Do you think the US public school system is a way for the government to control the minds of its citizens?




  1. Public schools in America are a absolute failure--and joke, something this administration(and previous ones)should be totally ashamed of.  Our schools do not even have ONE national standard, they don't have a good curriculum---and frankly, when I was a kid, I'd skipped important courses if I had a choice---everyone knows that kids will drop courses or interchange them--or skip them if they don't absolutely HAVE to take them.  Where I am from we had no such thing:  we had a strict weekly plan with each course predetermined by the school, we had to take math, science, sociology, biology, chemistry, English, French, geography, history, geometry, algebra and calculus--no exception.  I also got graded on my behavior and my attention span, my orderliness, etc.  We had physical education and home economics AFTER class, meaning we went home, did our homework and then had to come back to school for physical exercise and for learning how to cook, sew, fix things....We went to school Monday-Saturday......but you know what guys?  I speak, read, and write 3 languages fluently(German, English, French), I graduated, got a degree in accounting and made know, we couldn't fail a course--if we did we had to repeat the entire school year and that was the worst that could happen---it was the most shameful thing to fail a course and have to repeat a school year.....THE GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO TAKE CONTROL OF THE MINDS OF OUR YOUNG BECAUSE APPEARANTLY AMERICAN SCHOOLS ARE NOT DOING THEIR JOBS

  2. yes with the help of the TV also.

  3. I think the US public school system is failing to control the minds of it's citizens.  


  4. State  and county government yes.....federal government no

  5. In a way they might try to brain wash people.  But coming from the public school system myself, many of the students there aren't paying attention.  So you don't have to worry about government mind control, on the other hand television might be.

  6. Defenitly.The Government is more of our nosy,annoying neighbor that doesnt mind his own buisness,and is always asking about how our scoial and economical lives are going.

  7. Yes.

    First off, it is unconstitutional for the government to get involved in school. Even the department of education website admits this.

    Second, it costs over $100 Billion per year, and admittedly its job is simply statistic collecting and loaning money.

    Third, every district is different. Making every school teach the  same is simply wrong. It holds some back, and causes even more to fail in life by pushing through those who are not up to par.

  8. Most definitely,YES

  9. Government, no

    Teachers Union, yes

    The schools are administered by local government...the real power is in the teachers union.

  10. I agree with what vote_usa_first (an answerer) said.  Now we need a solution to the problem.

    This is discussed in great detail in a book I read recently and this book is (in my opinion) the most interesting and most important book I have ever read outside of the Holy Bible.  The book is Public School h**l (not my book, though I wish it was).  Public School h**l PROVES that the public schools of the United States of America are religious humanist schools teaching their God-hating doctrines to children.  And it even gives the only key and the sole solution to stopping the indoctrination of children in the public schools of the United States of America.  The main thing I like about Public School h**l is that it is very well documented providing a GREAT amount of proof with everything it says.  Check it out on here**l...

  11. Yes, it is one of the many ways that the government tries to do so.  The good news is, we are ultimately in control of our own minds, but not a lot of people seem to be aware of this.

  12. If you feel like a guinea pig then go with that feeling because you might be right.  If being a teacher is so tightly control with a barrage of test and back ground check why is it a joke?  Is it that the govermnent is more intrested in controlling people versus educating them?  I'm not in school anymore so I do not have a clue.  But, given this governments attack on the middle class would not put it past them.

  13. Not to control but to develop the brains because that leads to progress from knowledge and education.

  14. Since the failure rate is pretty high. Most teenagers cannot read and by the questions on this site, Math, History and Civics are beyond them.  So if that is the government's intent, they have failed.

  15. YES!!!!

    They corrupt our minds with basic math, biology and worst of all.... THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!!!!

    Dude, how are school controlling our minds. All i learned in schools was academic stuff that has helped me through college.

    Ya may be a bit paranoid, but whatever, it makes life interesting for the rest of us.

  16. no it isn't... it is to learn and expand the mind of a child... it leads to college which starts credit and loans and good jobs... this gives these students a feel of the use of credit and living a free and easy life which the government can conduct anything they want behind

    and its credit that allows the government to do whatever they want from rigging elections to allowing businesses to take away the republic america founded on...

  17. A way for the government to control the minds of its citizens- NO, but I do believe it is failing....wrong subjects are being taught and some very important subjects are being left out (like personal finance and investing). Students are all taught the same way and not everyone learns the same way! What I believe is an even bigger failure is the college system. College should be a place to focus on what your career is going to be and that is what you should be learning. You should not have to repeat subjects that you have already taken in junior high and high school (mainly what your first 2 years of college is). College is a way to keep you in school longer to drain more money from you and to keep you out of the work force so others will have time to retire.

  18. Does a bear $h!t in the woods?

  19. heck praying, no pledge of allegiance....those are just a SMALL portion, when you start looking at the books being introduced, it just gets worse!

  20. Anyone teaching someone will invariably present ideas based on their own beliefs and opinions - sorry, comes with being human. Should we do better? Sure we should, but it is hard to keep that in your fore brain while coping with all the aspects of life. I think many are doing the best they can, and I'm glad they are, grateful for the good parts, tolerant of the bad.

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