
Do you think the USA will someday clone soldiers to solve the recruiting problem for future wars???

by Guest59435  |  earlier

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I hear they are developing robots and more unmanned fighting vehicles.




  1. What recruiting problem?

  2. not in our lifetime.

  3. I think technology such as the drone spy planes that have been in use for years will greatly reduce the number of troops needed to protect our country/interests.

  4. We are years away from that kind of technology. The clones we supposedly produce now are just goats and that is still a real lifeform. Just a bunch of goats with a similar genetic pattern as one goat.

  5. They have had them for a long time, the British are using remote spotter planes from a hundred mile away, they have robot tanks, and a sort of soldier which can run and soot and never stop to rest or eat.

  6. Long before we can clone soldiers we will have the technology to introduce a bio hazard into our enemies environment that will infect everyone but only kill the people that have a particular genetic characteristic.

    How cool is that  !!!!

  7. They have already solved that problem.

    They have outsourced the military to 3x the rate, so its a boon for taxpayers too- NOT

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