
Do you think the United Nations should be abolish....?

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Do you think the United Nations should be abolish....?




  1. yes they keep getting in the way of bush invading sovereign nations on dubious pretexts .

  2. Should the united nation be abolish?

    for an end to the UN..... i would say  no...

    because the end of united nation would cause a stir among wolds government...

    especially among the super power... IE: USA, China, Russia, etc

    these country will take this chance and take the power into their hand... for example, china will definitely force Taiwan 2 merge wit them, and Fidel Castro will be assassinate shortly by US...  

    but i would give a vote for a reformation.....

    a massive change in  UN.... and how it works... especially its security council....

    UN have been shrouded by the US government, now is the right time for UN to show their credibility as a sole organisation that manage all the country in this world.... lift out the power of US in the organisation and change its HQ from new york to the Hague...

    if there is something that should be abolish, its the veto power...

  3. No. It should be moved somewhere else and we should write down their new address. That way we would always know where at least one of our enemies was.

  4. No, we can't just change the UN because it is unable to fix be it it will learn from it's mistakes. It need to face it's problems. If we just change the name and other few things the next organization will also make mistakes so you could hide from mistake for few decades but mistake will come and the next mistake might even be worse if you just hide from it.

  5. That would be nice since it is nothing more but a platform for 3rd world thugs to undermine the USA.

  6. Well, consider its accomplishments vs. its blunders.

    Consider how effective it was in dealing with Saddam... issuing countless meaningless resolutions and then screaming when we said enough's enough.

    Consider how effective it has been in negotiating with Iran and North Korea NOT to build Nuclear Weapons.

    Consider how much those diplomats owe the US government in traffic tickets that they have 'immunity' from.

    What do you think?

  7. Not necessarily abolished, but it must be restructured and reformed.  If it cannot be it may as well be abolished, because it is not only useless and ineffective, but corrupt as well.

  8. Yes, yes, and yes.

  9. Absolutely. Their plan to create and enforce an international gun ban goes way too far. And that's just the tip o' the iceberg. I'll not have the likes of China and Iraq voting to change the US constitution.

  10. Yes, it is expensive and does basically nothing for the average Western Person. The West funds it, and we get basically nothing in return for that funding.  How is it the West's problem if people anywhere else are suffering? How is our problem if Africans, or Arabs, or....... want to kill each other? The simple answer is that they are not our problems and we could just as easily avoid those problems and save the money.

  11. no. they may not be doing the changes over night but there are trying. we have to recognize that these things cant be solved over night. we need order and a guideline for the world to follow. though some countries violate them there set. without them the world would be un orderly.

  12. No it is called diplomacy.

  13. Ideally, no.  If done right, the world would be a much better place because of open communication.  But currently, it should be abolished and be re-created so it can be more efficient.

  14. The UN provides a function that no other organization or entity has ever done.  It allows countries to talk about resolutions to problems and brings forth solutions without the need for confrontation.  Granted, many people believe that it is a dated organization that is not in line with their governments policies (specifically the U.S.), but we have to realize that the organization is its own self, not that to serve any particular group of people.  It continues today to provide humanitarian relief and assistance to people in need all over the world.  To abolish the UN would be to drive a dagger into the heart of world peace, even if we dont agree with the way the organization works.

  15. yes they are crooks and they havent done nothing but spend money and had no results

  16. Its good for huminatarian work. But otherwise, about as worthless as b***s on a bull.

  17. No. Neit, Nein, La.

  18. It's a forum for states. No other international organization comes close.

    It is vital.

    And it can be improved.

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