
Do you think the United Nations should impose economic sanctions against Iran?

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  1. Good luck with that.  Why would we punish a country that only wants to obliterate another country?  Is that anything to get excited about?

  2. Inaction equals complicity and brings this issue closer to a resolution that will not be diplomatic in nature

  3. To what effect?

    Another 10+ years of finger wagging as if a parent were scolding a 6 year old?

    Yep! That will show 'em.

  4. No, they should liberate Iran from Ahmedinejad!

  5. NO...that would be like taking candy from  the children of Brittany Spear's because of her crazed, manipulative, attention getting behavior.  

    We are all just spectator's who get this stuff shoved down our throats on a daily basis via the hungry and  unruly  media....

  6. No. First ask yourself who is telling us that Iran is a threat. Couldn't be the same guy who said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction pointing our way ..could it?

  7. Could careless, they are a do nothing organization and always have been!

  8. Why should they? Because Bush said so? Enough with this. Personally I think the UN should impose sanctions on the US due to its crazy leader bush but who are we kidding, the US is above punishment let them bully the small guys. Remember Bush went into Iraq regardless of the fact that the UN said they did not see any WMD, why is no one talking about that or do we forget so easily?

  9. I would respect the U.N. more then the current Republican administration because the U.N is a group of the world that collectively make a decision rather then one father figure that thinks he knows best.

  10. Absolutely NOT! Why should they? What has Iran done wrong to qualify for such a treatment?

  11. I used to think so, but I don't anymore.

    I have come to the conclusion It would only hurt the Iranian people, a mere 20% who support their president.

    He will be out soon, and hopefully a more us friendly president will be in. We must understand, allot of what he says is taken out of context. ALL of the iranians peoples views of america are ignored, and that is what matters most in sanctions.

    The rich and powerful will always get what they desire in sanctions.  The poor and middle class get shafted.

  12. United Nations must demand that Iran stop its irresponsible nuclear ams build-up.  Otherwise, sanctions like economic blockade can be staged against it.

  13. no

  14. No.  The Iranians have done absolutely NOTHING to warrant that!  Bush strikes again.  HE is the cause of the trouble, NOT Iran.  Leave them alone for Gods' sake!

  15. For what?

    Only their crazy prez is acting, well,.... crazy.

    Their prez has a lot less pull than ours.  It gets on the news cause he acts nutty, but he doesn't have a lot of power.

  16. absolutely no reason for that

  17. No United Nations should have stopped U.S. long ago though . Strong U.N. could help Israel Palestine. Could also enable U.S. citizens Iranian citizens to reject Human Supremacist Attitudes which are cause of genocide as well as suicidal Greed which is threat to all life.

  18. Iran I think can cause more harm to us than most other nations. I am also concerned with their relationship with Russia.

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