
Do you think the United States Government should pass a bill...

by  |  earlier

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that strictly bans people who are 100 pnds overweight, from parking their cars in the first 10 parking spaces of a parking lot?




  1. Such a law would be unenforceable. Police Departments have better things to do than run around with sclaes writing tickets.  I doubt they would even try. Besides the law would propably be struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional, that is, after the Justices got through rolling on the floor with laughter.

  2. No, I think you should have the freedom to be as fat as you want to be. However, the other side of that coin is that the American tax-payers (you and I) have the freedom to refuse to pay for their health care.

  3. That would be hilarious, **** yeah!

  4. I'd vote for it.

  5. And all you can eat buffets?  How about setting as limit on the amount of fat and sugar that can be put into food?  Or, if you are 50 lbs overwight, let's limit the amount of groceries you can buy?  I think they should pass a law that vehicles can be used only to drive back and forth to work.  That should cut down the price of fuel.  Lets get the government involved in everything.  

  6. No.....but I'd support a special Handicapped section for terminally stupid people like you!


  8. No, but they should put candy on the top shelves to keep kids from grabbing them.

  9. That would reduce the United States being overweight. I don't think that is very important though. How can it be reinforced?  

  10. I think we should pass a bill that does not allow people with low intelligence to expose themselves to the public.  

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