
Do you think the United States is heading in the right direction?

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If so, then only 17% of Americans agree with you.

If not, what would you like to see different?




  1. It's heading clockwise----around the sun---depending which perspective you look at it from space.

    Perspective is everything.

    Lets see---

    Freed 50 million people from tyranny.

    promoted democracy around the world

    GDP has been growing at 3.5% --for the most part--Although it has slowed dramatically since the democrats took over congress two years ago.

    unemployment has been at historic lows for the most part.

    accept lately--since the democrats raised the minimum wage and caused it to rise (some might say)

    Now--since it is not portrayed that way in the press---some people perspectives might be a bit different.

  2. No .

    As you are strongest Superpower, You should try to keep the world more safe & peaseful. But, You just Say that

    & do whatever you want.

    You are about to take the world to 3rd world war.(with atombombs)

  3. Did I hear someone mention Constitutional Law?  Why it just so happens we have a candidate who was President of the Harvard Law Review.  What a coincidence.  Let's hire him.  

    You say you want the guy that graduated 4th to last place in military school, the one that doesn't know much about economics, or even how many troops are currently in Iraq?  Him?

    Hmmm not many hands up.  Well. majority rules.

  4. Nope g*y marriage...a very long list following

  5. Well let's see? We are in massive debt the American $ is worth sh**8 We are in a war with no way out our educational system is sh&&& morals have gone out the window there's a cultural war in America every d**n thing you buy is made in China and it's junk.

    It's late I can't think anymore.

  6. I'm with the 77.8% of the American people...

    But then I was with the 30% who did not believe a word he said even after 9/11. Before the 2000 election I read 2 biographies and a whole lot more on the man and he was a creep since he was in the 3rd grade blowing up frogs and in the 6th grade getting caught cheating in his first election as class Prez or when he was in his college Fraternity and he was charged with BRANDING pledges with a coat-hanger!!! (It was in the paper...big to-do. I am stopping there since most of you know of his other failures...but what for God's sake did anyone expect?  ( A Zebra or a Bush grandson of a n**i collaborator does not change its black and whites...

  7. No. We are moving away from our Constitution and that spells disaster.

  8. I think the George W. Bush administration is headed in the wrong direction but I think the US is finally begining to see what voting republican has gotten them and they are not happy.

  9. i think its veering off a bit, i dont trust anything the star and trib says..its our local paper..and its a joke however what i would like to see change is get rid of the U.N., say no to funds from special interest groups, stop letting environ(mental)ist lead our country into taxation, along with the libs

    go back to the constitution and take away the supreme courts law making ability..they are only supposed to interpret the laws NOT MAKE LAWS

    ..other then that we are still in the greatest country in the im not too worried

  10. this says it all

  11. Well... If you are correct than I would have to say no because I really don't know but I want to think like everybody else does.

    You know what I mean?

    I hate those people that don't think like everyone else.

  12. this country is heading  toward fascism.

  13. i would like to see human rights being followed and not killing innocent people and not torturing innocent people

    not starting wars for no legal reasons

    hehe Heil USA to the one below me

  14. No!

    We should be returning to our US Constitutoin as law.

    Why is nearly every politician and orginaization out there trying to disarm Americans?

    So we can't fight the tyranny that is our Centralized Government.

    We have in place nearly every plank of the communist manifesto as laid out by Marx and Engles.

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