
Do you think the VP selection discussion in the McCain campaign went something like this?

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McCain: I want Lieberman.

Schmidt: Shut up, you old fool. He's pro-choice.

McCain: Then I want Ridge.

Schmidt: HELLO. What did I just say?

McCain: Then I want Huckabee.

Schmidt: You WANT to look like an even bigger idiot when you speak?

McCain: Well who should I pick then.

Schmidt: Well, Romney's too rich and too Mormon. I got it! Let's pick a woman to go for those Hillary supporters, but an anti-abortion-rights woman so we don't lose the fundamentalist vote. [To campaign staff] Quick! Look through the list of all governors, Congresswomen, state legislators, dog catchers, whatever. Find me a young, anti-abortion rights woman.

Campaign staffer: Sir, there's Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska.

Schmidt: Who the h**l is that?

Campaign staffer: Well, she's anti-abortion-rights, and she's young, and a woman.

Schmidt: Grrr. Let me see a picture. Wow, she's hot!

Campaign staffer: And she hunts, sir.

Schmidt: Great pick! Get her on the phone.

McCain: But isn't she inexperienced? How are we going to attack Obama now?

Schmidt: Shut up, you old fool.




  1. That has to be the funniest thing I have read about this election since day one.  Bravo to you.  Btw it probably did go something like that.  I mean think about it, If Obama had picked Hilary, they would have picked someone else.  They seem to be just waiting around to see what everyone else does.  Thats not change, thats more of the same :)

  2. LOL--yep

  3. Close enough. Haha!

  4. Sounds like sour grapes...too bad Obama did not even consider Hillary when he had the chance.  


    Our candidate is hotter than yours nah nah nah nah nah nah.

    (and more experience running a government than yours)

  5.'re funny !

  6. GAME SET MATCH!!!!!!! Definitely how it went. McCain was dying to put Libby in office.

  7. lol, your the best. that was perfect. send that to the media outlets.

  8. lol this would make a great Saturday Night Live or Mad Tv lol

  9. lol...

    The Obama response was something like...

    Governor of Alaska?  But Alaska's not one of the 57 states?!

  10. Funny.

    I'd never heard of her until today.  

  11. one I read today

  12. ha! That's probably almost verbatim.

  13. dude you are so funny, this might be true  lmao

  14. Did you know that wiretapping is illegal?

  15. mccain can start his concession speech now... palin said in an interview a few months ago that she doesn't even know what the VP does.............

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