
Do you think the Valencia circuit is dangerous?

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McLaren's Martin Whitmarsh says they are "packing plenty of spares."




  1. It is a street circuit... hence the need for more spares than other circuits seeing as the walls are a LOT closer here and the margin for error is almost as minute as Monaco... It is regular procedure to pack more kit for higher-risk (for the cars rather than the drivers) places like this...

    Valencia from what I've seen reminds me a bit of Adelaide... and that was fantastic so I don't think we have anything to worry about :)

  2. .

    Not in a 1969 Simca 1000...

    ......I'd pack a picnic basket...

    EDIT: Not in a RUSTY 1969 Simca 1000...

    ......I'd pack a picnic basket...and some body filler

    :) thx Julian


  3. I doubt its dangerous, but as Dan above says, its a street track and invariably there will be a smack into a wall taking off the front wing here, a shunt backwards taking off the rear wing there.

    Its only natural on a new track AND a street track to boot. Until they find the 'optimum set up'  (more Ronspeak. . ) the need for plenty of spares is understandable


  4. Every track has an inherent danger, that's racing.

    Valencia will be safe as it possibly can be, though I see many of the kids touching the walls in their plastic catapults.

  5. It seams like a narrow track with concrete beriers

    But it most be safe, becasue it was aprooved by the FIA

  6. not really... why are you saying this?

  7. It does concern me, On the F1 website they were comparing the speeds the drivers will reach to the speeds they reach at bahrain and the top speed will be 320Km/h.. that doesnt concern me, its the fact that its a street circuit and it has very few run off areas but then again, safety in F1 has improved ALOT over the past ten or fifteen years so i doubt there will be any serious accidents . There's definetly gonna be some people going into the wall and knocking off noses but if the circuit wasnt safe enough they wouldnt let them race there. But im looking forward to it and again as Dan said before it also reminds me of adelaide and that was a great circuit so should be interesting.

  8. It's a street circuit (ban them all), at night, with artificial lighting.

    No one really knows how that's all going to go, until all the cars are running on it.  So they're packing to be prepared.

  9. I think the honest answer is that no one knows for sure. We have to wait and see the action on track first. There have been a couple races there (F3) and there were no major incidents as far as I know. I have seen the virtual lap on youtube and one area gives me some concern. There is a long back strait that ends in a very tight hairpin. There is almost no runoff in place here. If someone has a brake failure, tire puncture, or some type of suspension failure then it could get ugly there very quickly.

    All in all every answer just amounts to calculated speculation at best and wild guessing at worse. Let's wait until Friday and see for ourselves.  

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