
Do you think the WCE can make the top 4 in the AFL?

by  |  earlier

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i think they can

go eagles




  1. Sorry, no way are they going to make the top 4, when I can't even see them making the top 8.

  2. What? This year? Haha...funniest thing I've heard yet. Sorry but there is no chance. Put this year down as an abberration. The way you played against Carlton...well, everyone else...means you do not deserve finals football in the slightest...I dont know whether this year is shaping up as worse than 2001. But you cant keep a team like the Eagles down for long.

  3. Definetly not this season, and probably not next season. Maybe in a few years, they might grace the final four once again

  4. at the moment they'd be stretching to make the four in the WAFL.

  5. no way

  6. No Way Hozay!!!!

  7. Hey good to see you combined all your usernames wunda ha ha!

    bloody hilarious a few weeks ago when wunda gave gutsache a best answer....the same person, now that is just sad.

  8. this season probably not, maybe next year, at least i hoping a heck of alot, i want to see the flag in thier hands soon

  9. Not at the moment. Without Judd and Cousins they're not looking too good

  10. Of cause they can't!

    I'd just like to qoute Chris Judd when we returned to play west coast one of your players said "i see you've still got a shoulder problem" Judds reply was "yeah it's from carring you guys for the past 6 years"

  11. Probably not...

    On second thoughts...  YES!

    (You didn't say what year so I'm guessing they'll get there eventually!)

  12. Not this year but it's nice to see that you have got so much faith.

    Remember that they have a very successful history in the AFL - for that you can feel proud.

  13. The West Coast must really have great drugs if you think the Eagles can make the top 4. I tipped them to make the 8 at the start of the season but i doubt they will do that.


    This year i think we are building very strongly and showing really fantastic signs considering.

    I think we could but we won't.

    Next year tho, we are gonna thrash ***.

  15. Not this year!

  16. They could but unfortunately in would be very, very hard.

  17. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


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