
Do you think the War of Iraq should stop or continue and why?

by Guest62356  |  earlier

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Do you think the War of Iraq should stop or continue and why?




  1. yes,,,it should be stopped,,,,,,,it's enough to kill innocent Muslims,

    think about the afterdeath...George W. Bush.......

    f*ck u

  2. US have dept of trillions of dollars in the world bank because of the war in the middle east. yes it should stop. and should never be supported. i think mccain supports the war in the middle east.

  3. First rule of fighting:

    Don't start fights that you have no chance of winning

    The war was a huge mistake ,Bush and Cheney should be in prison for starting it and there is not one person out there who can actually tell us how we will know that  when we won the war

  4. I think that we should finish what we started, but finish it quick.  General Petraus and our troops are working towards the Iraqi provinces taking over security control.  If we just take off, then the area will be ripe for a Taliban or Suddam Hussein type of leadership to again take them by force.  I want our troops to come home, but I also want a stable Iraq.

  5. Let's win it and let it go at that.

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