
Do you think the Wii will maintain its popularity? Especially with respect to hard-core gamers?

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The Nintendo Wii has emerged with record sales, along with the DS placing its maker above Sony and Microsoft in hardware sales. It has seen significant hits such as Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Mario Galaxy, both of which borrowed off of extremely popular existing franchises. However, at the 2008 E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) conference, Nintendo was a comparative disappointment with casual games such as Wii Music and Animal Crossing being their only major announcements. Absent were Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, Kid Icarus; and even Pokemon's absence was a mild letdown considering Nintendo's reputation. While Wii Sports most notably has become wildly popular amongst casual gamers, I suspect that if Nintendo alienates its fanbase sales will gradually become alienated from Nintendo.




  1. definitely. they just really really need to work on the internet capabilities. mario kart has a nice internet but smash was just disgraceful. hopefully there will be more hard core gamers when conduit comes out.

  2. first of all awesome question!! :)

    and yeah the wii is gonna keep sales up just because old g-mas and older people are liking it and so nintendo keeps making games for all those non-gamers that keep buying it

    but they're losing all their core gamers.. here where i live all my friends got wii's on launch date but nintendo hasn't been releasing anything good so all of them have already bought either a ps3 or a 360 (mostly 360) and they don't get the hint... it's stupid because they keep bringing out stupid games on the virtual console and wiiware.. we want some of the best games of the n64 (DK 64, jet force jemini, zelda majoras mask, super smash bros, etc) but instead they release games that no one even knows about.. and for wii ware there's been a couple of good games (lost winds, tv show king) other than that they pretty much all suck

    and we need some good online also.. SSBB was pretty lame for online.. it lags a ton even if your connection is good, they fixed it up a bit with MK wii but it's still not great and lots of people cheat on mario kart and there's no way to regulate that..

    nintendo needs to bring out external hard drive support!! i ran out of space on my wii a long time ago and it's stupid how you can't run channels from the SD card this is what led me to delete all the channels i had and just get the homebrew channel since i can run everything from my 2 GB SD card.

    they need to release some channels that people will actually use not a stupid mii database.. when you can only have 100 mii's that's pointless but we need some good channels like a wii game demo channel not wii ware or VC but actual wii games that can be downloaded to an external hard drive or something and played for a few minutes just to try before you buy and same for wii ware and vc

    also a good update for the shop channel would be a rent feature where you pay a couple of bucks 200 wii points to rent a game for a week because there's been so many times when i bought a game, played it a couple of times and then never played it again

    dvd playback feature should be added too it's just a matter of a firmware update that nintendo could release for 10 or 15 dollars on the shop channel. i know it can be done because it's already out on the homebrew channel it's called libdi and you have to use Mplayer after you install it and it works pretty good

    well anyways sorry about my ranting.. i hope someone from nintendo reads this and works on something to make us (the core gamers out there) happy



  4. Nintendo always holds its cards close to its chest. Disaster: Day of Crisis just got rated by the Australian equivalent of the ESRB last week (which means the game is done and ready for release), yet Nintendo didn't talk about it at E3 last month at all.

    Nintendo has been releasing one game per month on Wii, yet they only talked about 3 games at E3. So what are they going to release the other 9 months?

  5. SeamusO, Super Mario Galaxy is my newest game on our Wii.

  6. The Wii is going to do fine. As of right now, it has covered several franchise favorites among hardcore gamers such as Mario, Zelda, and Metroid.

    As time goes on, they will develop more games, and pretty soon we will have a nice game catalog to choose from as Nintendo expands its franchise favorites and creates new ones.

  7. Will it maintain its popularity? yes

    And with the hardcore gamers? ...Not so much

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