
Do you think the Yankees are done making moves for the season explain?

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Do you think the Yankees are done making moves for the season explain?




  1. nope,  i think they will make another, it might not be huge though. plus, they wont just decide that they are done, something may come up or whatever that could spark a trade. it also has to do with the other teams

  2. If you are the Yankees, you can't be done and look to make a push in the toughest division in baseball.  They need more talent in the starting lineup until Wang gets back.  Joba, Andy, and Moose are producing, but AJ Burnett (healthy) would be a huge boost of Rasner.  Pitching wins ball games and their bullpen looks tight (Farnsworth and Rivera are back to form this year).

  3. No, there gonna go after burnet

  4. I would think so, because their main concerns seem to be pitching-related. As long as the Yankees remain reluctant to trade away their three young pitchers (Chamberlain, Hughes, Kennedy), they won't make any big moves. They could have had Sabathia or Harden, but they were unwilling to part with their young players. If they do make any moves, they will be relatively low-impact.

  5. They are the Yankees'.

    They don't stay put.

    They will do another move.


  6. No. They Yankees are the Yankees and Steinbrenner is Steinbrenner.  Although he and Cashman are looking for bats, what they need are big time pitchers.  They should've gone after Sabathia or Harden and definitely Santana in the offseason, but since they didn't they'll be facing tough decisions, but it's the Yankees, anything can happen. I say they go after someone like Peavy or Bedard.

  7. I don't know if they are because my last name isn't Steinbrenner but I don't think they should be done. The Yankees should have Brian Fuentes at the top of the list of guys they should/want to get because I was the watching the As/Yankees game and I found out that the Yankee do not have a lefty reliever. They are probably the only team in baseball that don't have a single left handed reliever. If they want to win the Wild Card or even the division, they're going to need to get a left handed reliever. Fuentes is the best on the market and the good thing about him is that he can pitch against righties as well because he is really a closer. I think that would be a good move for the Yankees. Hope the Red Sox can get him first though :)

  8. No, we just need a solid starter and or relief pitcher. So much talk about getting Bay or Nady we dont need a bat we need pitching.

  9. No. I would go after a 2nd baseman like Brian Roberts from Baltimore. The team has so many players on the DL, I think they should keep trying.

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