
Do you think the Yankees made a mistake firing Joe Torre?

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Do you think the Yankees made a mistake firing Joe Torre?




  1. I think it's too early to say. I say we should give Girardi  1 more season  before we decide he's not the guy for the Yankee job. But if i have to say it now it looks like it's a mistake that the Yanks made a mistake here.

  2. YES those f'ing idiots!!!!!

  3. yes  

  4. Yes, they wanted Torre to be responsible for them having an off year. Look at the talented Manager's in the recent past that they have let go. Steinbrenner is always looking for a scapegoat for his poor decisions.

  5. Firing isn't the right word.

    They put all the responsibility on advancing in the playoffs onto one person's shoulders and if it didn't work out, he wouldn't be back.

    When it didn't happen, there was a lot of fan outrage.  So, the Yankees, not wanting to be the bad guys, offered a contract that was much lower than what they had given in the past with incentives on playoff advancement.  

    That way, when Torre rejected it, it would look like he left the Yankees.

    However, that goes on the assumption that the Yankee organization think the fans are morons.  Anyone could have seen through that.


    They repeat the same mistake by publically saying "If you opt out, there will be no negotiations" to Arod

    He opts out, he gets no takers and comes back to the Yankees, fakes a public dismissal of his agent and the Yankee Spin Doctors say  "See, Arod does want to be a yankee" and he signs again.

    This shows two things.

    Yankee management open their mouth when they shouldn't and don't keep their word when they should.

  6. No because this would happen with Joe Torre. He is doing great with the dodgers but he has better players on the dodgers than the Yankees. Sure the Yankees Organization will regret it but things like this happen

  7. First off the yanks didnt fire him, they offered him a contract that was a blow to his ego. They were willing to give him bonuses depending on how far the team went. And No they didnt make a mistake in doing this, the yankees are in the toughest division in baseball and they would be leading the wild card if it wasnt for the Rays having a cinderella season. And No Joe Torre does not have better players with the dodgers like the 1st reply said, the Dodgers are in the worst division in baseball, barely over .500, Injuries played a huge part of the downfall, and some players having a "bad" year.  

  8. Yes because since he's left look what Girardi has done, shove the Yanks down the toilet.

    Now that Torre is at LA that club is starting to turn around and be a contender for the pennant.

  9. No.  None of what has happened this year is Girardi's fault.  It is all Cashman's fault.  He didn't get Johan when he should have and he is relying on this over the hill players.  Plus injuries have killed them.  

  10. He wasn't fired he left on his own when they offered him a new contract with a pay cut.  Who wouldn't leave?  He is much better off with the Dodgers who appreciate him more.

  11. "The Dodgers have better players than the Yankees"?

    You're on crack, right?

    Name one.

  12. Torre and the Yanks couldn't come to a deal, so he left for LA. I don't know how the Yanks would be with Torre, but I'm sure it wouldn't be much different even if Torre was still the Yanks' skipper.

  13. Torre wasnt fired he refused the offer the yanks put on the table. the offer was insulting. I think it was a mistake to let him get away. now the front office is trying to save face.torre gets the best out of his players. would have the yanks been a different team with torre this year who knows. the injuries to posada , wang ,and matsui have killed them.

  14. First off, it wasn't a firing. It's what I'd call a mutual parting of ways. It was clear the Yankees wanted a new guy in charge (for Steinbrenner's ego or to just shake things up) and Torre had had enough of being in the Bronx and didn't want to be a lame duck manager before the team moved into the new Yankee Stadium.

    Do I think it was a mistake? Well, at first yeah, because Torre knew how to handle the players' many egos and was good with the New York media. But after a while, I knew it was for the best. It was time. He'd been there for 12 years, restored the excellence to the franchise and became a hero. He'll never really be forgotten. I wish the Yankees had just said "Hey, Joe. Thanks for the memories, but we're moving on" instead of giving Torre a wack offer they knew he wouldn't sign. But I do think it was time for a change. So, no, I don't think it was a mistake. Managers leave. It happens.

    I think Girardi will do just fine after a while. He hasn't been awful this year and I think too many people, Yankees fans included, have sold him short just because the team isn't set to go to the playoffs. You can't always think short term. Sometimes, you have to consider the long haul. If Girardi hasn't made the playoffs for three straight years, then you might say he was a bad hire. I'm willing to cut him some slack, especially because of the injures the team has had to endure.

  15. joe attaboy is a dumbass

    don't listen to him...yankees are far overrated

    on second thought, most of these people are dumbasses

  16. No because I really enjoy seeing the Yankees in third in the East and third in the wild card.

  17. first off joe left yankees didnt fire him

  18. I have a feeling this situation is going to be similar to what Billy Martin went through.  Steinbrenner fired him and then hired him back 5 times.  I have a feeling in a few years when Torre's contract ends with the Dodgers, the Yankees will fire Joe Girardi and then sign Torre.

  19. everything the Yankees do is a mistake.

    Go Red Sox. don't know much about baseball!

    The Dodgers in no way, shape or form have better players than the Yankees.

    Learn before you ask silly questions!

  20. where do you get your info from?? he wasn't fired, he left on his own..the Yankees offered him a contract (with a paycut) that still wouldve made him the highest paid manager in the game, and he refused to take it..he then was offered deal with the Dodgers for 13 Mill over 3 years (even less than he wouldve gotten in NY)

    so idk where this fired idea came from, but he left on his own. he wanted out of NY..dont make it look like the team got rid of him  

  21. i think they're problem is that their players are over paid and i think either way they weren't going to win.Joe torre is a great manager that did the best he could in new york and he got some rings there and he had to move on

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