
Do you think the Yankees should think about next year?

by Guest56117  |  earlier

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Why or why not?




  1. No what is the point of thinking about next year.. Just finish the year off as best as possible.. Don't reinjure your players play with what you have.

  2. They should ALWAYS be thinking about next year and beyond.

  3. No, I don't like to give up on my team like Hank implied he does. I think the Yankees should think about a couple of firings, though. Girardi's comments about those plays "not being Cano's fault", and starting Justin Christian over Damon because "Christian has some success against lefties in the past" are just a couple of examples of things that come out of his mouth that make me question how he got the job in the first place. And to think...I wanted to see him manager before the season. He's blown SO MANY games with managerial mistakes it isn't even funny. Don't even get me STARTED on Cano and his Manny-like effort over the last week. Bench him a game, or better yet, take him out in the middle of an inning at home against the Royals to embarrass him. That should get him to hustle. Melky, he's having a bad year, and he's young. So I can forgive this...for this season. If this happens again next year, get him out ASAP. I normally don't lash out like this, but I'm very sick of this $200,000,000 team not being 6 games out of the Wild Card and then Steinbrenner is talking about next year. We're in August, Hank. August.

    Now, to answer your Not yet. Focus on winning games.

    EDIT: I'm sure a lot of people disagree with my views, but I'm even more upset that the last regular season game ever at Yankee Stadium has a chance to mean absolutely nothing in the standings, and all the fans come to see the stadium and not the team. I really want a WS title this year...more than ever. And I still think we will.

  4. they need to do something now

  5. Mathematically, you're still in the race.

    Secondly, remember when the New York Mets blew a ten-game lead on the division last year? Anything's possible in baseball.

    I'm a Dodger fan but I'm just stating my opinion.

  6. Yeah, that's what the front office is for.

    If you mean the team should throw in the towel, NO, they won't. The yankees play with honor and they will play out the last two months of the season and the last in yankees stadium.

    However, they are not blind to acknowledge that the Rays, Red Sox, and Twins are better than them this year.

  7. i say no lead is secure until the season is over.

  8. Yes in the sense that they should be deciding who to go for in the offseason.

    C.C. is a free agent and he would add to the miserable pitcheing rotation.... then next year with healthy starters it would be C.C, Wang, Joba, Mussina, Petite.

    Next thing to think about is adding proven bats... and a solid first baseman

    Texiera and Morneau are both free agents.... and would add solid fielding, and CLUTCH bats to 1st. Giambi is a DH and nothing more.

    Finally... GET MANNY IN PINSTRIPES!!!!!

    Nady to RF, Melky/Damon in CF, and Manny in LF

    That team is built to win a World Series...

  9. No because the Season is not over as a Fan who have have faith and  if they still have a chance of getting in to the Playoffs and winning a WS , then stick with that, but until then i will have faith in my YANKEES

  10. They have to worry about playing the rest of this season and going into the Playoffs and winning the World Series before they can think about that.

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