
Do you think the Yankees will sign The Giambino to a lucrative contract for next year?

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After all, he saved their season today.




  1. yes, they always throw money to players who are near the end of their career. Yeah keep the downward slide going. Sign those over the hillers

  2. You Yankee fans are so simple minded. Two days ago, everyone is like "A-Rod SUCKS, TRADE HIM"...then yesterday, everyone was like "GIAMBI SUCKS, TRADE HIM....A-ROD IS THE BEST", then today you're like "A-ROD SUCKS, TRADE HIM, GIAMBI IS THE BEST".  

  3. yes he did help us out today, but one day isnt worth 10 million that they probably would have to pay him.

  4. We'll see how the rest of the season plays out. If he can get roughly 10 more HR, pushing his total to near 40 and a few more RBIs, he could be back, but not a lucrative deal rivaling A-rod or Jeter, because the Yankees have other areas to address.

    Remember, there are rumors flying around that the Yankees will pursue CC Sabathia once he's done in Milwaukee, which would be a huge upgrade since our pitching staff has been decimated by injuries. Sabathia with Chein Ming Wang, Mike Mussina, and hopefully Joba Chamberlain will return as a starter. That is a great pitching staff, and if Giambi wants to stay if Sabathia is heading to town, he might not get paid as much. And there's even some low rumors at small chance the Yankees will pursue Manny Ramirez, but I highly doubt that one.

    He didn't technically "save" our season today. He gave us a little hope, but being realistic, it's probably a little too late. Who knows, the Rockies went on that amazing streak last year, but we'll see what happens.  

  5. No, they will look for a younger hitter who plays better defense.

  6. If they're smart, which I don't think they are, they'll dump him, and the majority of their huge contracts and restock the system with kids, and go into a rebuilding mode and come back for another run in 2013.

    But, I don't think they're smart enough to do it that way.


    Giambi's only had a few good moments this year. Sure, he had a good May and June, but today gave the Yankees a good win and kept them with a little life in the season. Long term, there's no reason to re-sign him. He's also not the best defensive player.  

    Any player can have a good day. There's no reason to give a player big money based on a single day - or a month.  

  8. I doubt it, but I bet they will opt out of his last year then try to resign him for less.

  9. Giambi didn't save the season. The Yankees are still as good as dead. To answer your question if Cashman is re-signed then yes he will re-sign Giambi as well. Cashman loves to pay a quarter billion dollars to guys that are getting old and no longer produce the way they used to. Cashman is the main reason why the Yankees fail.

  10. unless he gets a few RBI's in the game where yankees  clinch the AL East or AL wildcard, he hasn't saved anything.  

  11. They just need a good defensive 1B giambi is great hitting...not so much fielding.

  12. roids save the yankees yet again.

    woo hoo

  13. He didn't save $hit but he stopped the Sox from sweeping the sorry Yankees. If the Yankees are smart (?????) they'll let most of the big contracts go and build from within, take a couple-three years to really rebuild and go for it againin say 2011.  They have had a great run but face it it's over.

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