
Do you think the amendment on g*y marriage will pass in California?

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I mean the amendment to ban it permanently.




  1. It is highly unlikely that California's proposed ban on same s*x marriage will pass.

    A May 2008 survey found 51 percent against approving a possible November ballot measure to prohibit g*y marriage, with 43 percent in favor. A slightly differently worded question on the same issue found 54 percent opposed and 40 percent in favor.

    A June 2008 survey has shown that the percentage of Californians opposed to the amendment had risen to 56 percent.


    A new poll (late-August 2008) says a majority of likely voters, 54 percent, oppose ending g*y marriage, compared with 40 percent who support it.

    Since these numbers have hardly changed in the past 3 months, the amendment will not pass unless something drastic, such as a large scale negative advertising campaign being left unanswered or a major loophole in existing law being found, were to change voters minds.

  2. No, if smaller states, that are not as accepting of GLBTQI are allowing it, then Cali, the haven of q****s, will not ban it. It would be a uphill battle, that at this point in our society, would be a losing one.

    It would be like the "anti homosexual s*x" laws being cops are going to barge in while you're having s*x, or neighbors calling the tip line cause they hear just won't happen!

  3. Typical that America castigates other countries human rights abuses and then abuses their own citizens human rights!!

    And people wonder why Americas standing in the world is sinking!!!

  4. No. California is the land of sin.

  5. no... they just passed something that allows g*y marraige

  6. Hopefully not

  7. Sadly I believe it does have the potential to pass!

    Therefore we need all the CA voters who support g*y marriage to vote! Ban together! Believe me the opposite side will be!

  8. it ain't gonna happen. :(

  9. we have all these checks and balances in place to guarantee equal rights, yet when they actually work as designed, reactionaries always try to fight it. go figure.  if my dad had his way, yes. if my mom did, no.  eiher way, g*y marriage is not an insult to straight marriage, and anyone who says it is needs to get a life.

  10. I'm hoping they get rid of the ban. I deserve my right to marry the man or woman I might want to marry some day.however, with what happened the last time we had same s*x marriages allowed, I have my doubts. I hope the ban doesn't get passed. those legislative people and lgbt lawyers worked hard to gain those rights back for California lgbts. all their efforts shouldnt have been or should become effortless.

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