
Do you think the american people will every unite as1?

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Do you think the american people will every unite as1?




  1. Yes.  When Jesus comes back and throws satan into the lake of fire.

  2. yes. if something like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor were to happen again. When this country is attacked, there is generally a unification, but about 3 months later, we're back to bickering about the most pointless policies.

  3. only during a crisis, but the american people to their credit do step up to the plate during a time of crisis

  4. nah, Europe is the new superpower, and asia could come in with us too. And we will be MUCH more powerful than The USA, Canada and Mexico together.


  5. nope

  6. One what?

  7. Nope. They simply whinge too much and are a little up themselves in my opinion. Also, Americans seem to enjoy watching fights and conflict too much to ever have a hope of uniting

  8. unlikely, except on specific issues, such as if we were attacked.

  9. ah nnoo

    only if there was only one left would that happen

  10. No, The presidents wont let them.

    Plus we would be rich if they didn't have to spend tax payers dollars on wars. They wont let that happen

  11. Probably not. As much as we complain about it, it's still what makes this an amazing country to live in. The freedom of free will. To think what you want, feel how you want, and within reason, do what you want.

  12. No.  We are a culture that values the individual over the group.  We would never be completely united, unless someone tries to take away our individual rights.  I think most of us like it this way.

  13. I believe, following the attacks of September 11 most of the country and most of the civilized world united as one and said no more and were united throughout the war against terrorism,  and against the war in Afghanistan. But Iraq is where it all went sour. Nobody could agree on anything after we invaded Iraq.

    It's a shame, I believe the old saying "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately"

    When an equal or greater threat comes knocking on Americas door we shall see how much unity we actually have

  14. NO and it kind of a thing that we don't

    No lockstep here we all can think for ourselves and we don't agree all the time and we don't have to

  15. No...unfortunately being a melting pot has its draw backs.

  16. We never have. Even after the attack on Pearl Harbor, one member of the House of Representatives voted "No" on the resolution declaring that a state of war with Japan had existed since the time of that attack. The only problem I have with the nation at war isn't disunity. It's actions which give aid and comfort to the enemy.

  17. Yes. In 2008.

    We will end the fascist Republican Regime, take the defense industry out of our equation,  and return to some sort of normalcy in life.

  18. The American people never have been united as one and never will be.

    PEOPLE have never been united as one and never will be.

    Just look at human history.  There have been wars and disagreements throughout recorded history.

    As long as there are 2 people there will be disagreements.

    The best we can hope for is for people to learn to agree to disagree on some things and not fight over those things.

    The human race needs to learn to agree to some basic principles that EVERYONE can agree to.

    Don't take what is not yours.

    Don't hurt another breathing person.

    Don't damage what is not yours. (This includes the planet which belongs to all of us.)

    All religions stripped down have the same basic principle.

    Treat other people the way you want to be treated.

    Otherwise, keep your nose out of my life and personal business and I will keep my nose out of yours.

    Hold people responsible for their actions if their actions step outside these boundaries.

    Just looking at the other answers here will show you that the vile attitudes that currently exist make it impossible.

  19. That is impossible when you have so many people pretending to be Americans posting on internet forums.

  20. Yeah. As soon as we arrest all the liberal for treason.

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