
Do you think the australian government will reach a stage and say 'No More Immigrants'?

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Do you think the australian government will reach a stage and say 'No More Immigrants'?




  1. they are quite selective already - each state has it's own plans on expansion for business growth - so once that's done

  2. With declining job prospects (& increasing amount of companies beginning to turn to China for production)

    More severe & frequent droughts expected  (less water)

    The housing/rental crisis as it is at the moment...

    You would think these factors would be taken into account by the government & acted on accordingly.

    I have nothing against immigrants personally whatsoever ~ A multicultural society here in Australia is wonderful, I love it, but other factors need to be considered.

  3. Capitalist economies depend on no.  If the Australian government created a minimum wage at a level that made it pointles for employers to go for cheap labour....then maybe they could.  But that doesn't happen in a capitalist economy...does it!

  4. Good job the Aborigines didn't do that. eh?

  5. I think they do as they want - when we were there last February (07), they said 'no more somalians' as they dont integrate with the local community.  Maybe we should all take a leaf out of their book!!

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