
Do you think the baby will be okay if I drank alcohol!?

by  |  earlier

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Right before I knew I was pregnant, I went out with friends and got drunk and I also smoked. Then a few days later I found out I was pregnant!..Im soo worried that my baby wont be born healthy

What do you think?..Will it affect the baby!?..

please help me im so worried ive been crying all day




  1. yes you  idiot--it will afftect the baby!  

  2. it will affect the baby! be carful!

  3. Don't worry! We all have!! lol, you just don't do it anymore!

  4. waht a razy question y would u consider drinking while pregnet.. it could hurt the baby big time... u never know wat could happen..

  5. it will be okay, just don't make it a habit. it may cause birth defects if it is a daily thing

  6. man you suck. ever seen the movie total recall? the guy with the baby in his chest? that is what your baby will be like! just kidding. i don't think you should have a problem.

  7. And u honestly think ur going to be a good,responsible parent,that will nuture a human being into a productive member of the human race? What the h**l r u thinking? Where do you people come from ....recycled plastic?

  8. It will be okay.  The week before I found out I was pregnant, I went out with my friends to different clubs and drank and smoked.  Then I found out and immediately stopped.  My son came out just fine.  Just don't do it anymore.

  9. dont panick though it is proven it is really unhealthy for babies that have had mothers drinking through pregnancy i dont think this will affect you it is about mums that drink regularly and or in excess.  you are already proving you are goin to be a good mum by being worried for the welfare of your baby.  dont drink any more and you will have the most beautiful baby you could ever dream of.  im sure your baby will be just fine


  10. yes your baby will be fine.  One-time drinking and smoking will not hurt the baby.  Just be sure to take care of yourself now.

  11. The exact same thing happened to me.  My pregnancy was fine, the birth normal, and my healthy baby is now ten years old!  Let go of the guilt and start preparing yourself to be a mom!  Best of luck!

  12. Your baby will be fine. just stay away from the cigarettes now and the alcohol. I have done this 3 times with 3 pregnancies and all my children are very healthy. Relax and enjoy your pregnancy and lots of congratulations.

  13. dont worry, your baby will be fine. I didnt find out I was pregnant until I was 9 weeks along, and a couple weeks before that I had gotten really really drunk, and of course, was a smoker until I found out I was pregnant. As long as you dont continue doing that stuff, your baby will be okay.

  14. the first couple weeks your pregnant = or before you find out...things you do like drinking etc shouldnt have an effect. but now that you know dont do that anymore. now is the time to be healthy no smoking, no drinking, etc and call your doctor and check up with him or her if your still worried Im sure your baby will be fine as long as you only partied that one time and no more...

  15. The baby should be fine. I know a lot of people that this happened to and their babies were okay. It might show up in the ultrasounds or testing later on if there are any problems so try not to worry about it stress can harm the baby! Good luck:)

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