
Do you think the basic core values of life that were prevalent 30 years ago...>>>

by  |  earlier

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are lost upon the youth of today ???




  1. For the most part, yes.

    The world 30 years ago was a lot more innocent. We live in a world with cable television showing violence, trauma, and tragedy. People must lock there homes now and it is not uncommon to find homes with single parents who must work sometimes 2 jobs to make ends meet, so they aren't there to keep a close eye on the development of their children.

    Children are required to grow up more quickly in this day and age and for that we all share in this loss...


    Brother Reggie


  2. No.  I think that the perception of a 'pure' morality in times past is a farce.  The human race has always been morally corrupt, and it always will be.

  3. yes mainly because we  have no on to instill it in them!!!  

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