
Do you think the bible would be better if it was shorter and a bit more like harry potter ?

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i am not saying it is bad but more people would like it if it was not as boring




  1. I agree and also the bible is based way too much on Occultism and in this day and age that should change

  2. don't tell me what happens at the end, but iv not finished reading the bible yet.

    a good laugh so far but.

  3. The Bible is not a book written by one author with one purpose (entertainment). It's a collection of writings, spanning at least 1,500 years, with dozens of authors writing with a variety of purposes (poetry, history, mythology, philosophy, theology, personal correspondence, prophecy, etc.).

    What you get from it can vary widely, depending on whether you're Jewish, Christian, or neither.

    To compare it to modern serial fiction is... well, it's not relevant. ;) I love the Harry Potter books, but I don't consider them spiritual guidance or a part of anyone's lasting culture. They're simply very well crafted storytelling. In comparison, the Bible is disorganized and inconsistent -- which is part of what makes it "real" in terms of human expression of the divine. If it were all smooth and well worked out, like the HP series, I'd think it was all baloney/propoganda.

    p.s. The Bible is not organized by order of events, or date written. And the organization of the books depends on whether you're reading a Hebrew, Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant version. Just sitting down and reading it cover to cover will just confuse you. You need to learn its history first. Typically, the books are organized in order of importance and length -- thus Micah was a minor prophet (end of the OT), and the Revelation was considered a minor prophecy (end of the NT). Neither is the "end" of the Bible. There is no such thing.

  4. No, I definitely don't.

    It is a book of God's dealings with mankind, not fiction which some would like it to be.

    COMMENT: It doesn't look like many of them on here today have actually read all the Bible, yet they come out with such rubbish.

  5. Well it has talking animals, magic spells and people doing transformations that would make Mrs. McGonagall proud, so I'm not sure how much more like Harry Potter you would want it to be.

  6. this is a very stupid question the bible is fantastic as it is

    if you want a shorter bible read a childrens bible.

    by the way harry potter is an abomination to the lord

  7. Does that mean you'd take the child sacrifice, incest and fathers offering their daughters to be raped out?

  8. Is that the book about the two hippies and the talking snake?

    It would benefit greatly by having Dumbledore part the Red Sea, the plague of boils could be transposed to a forfeit the losing side at Quiddich gets, but as for that geezer who get crucified and rises from the dead? That is too far fetched, even for Harry Potter.

  9. No. I want Encyclopedia Biblicus where I could look up everything from God's shoe size to what Satan is doing today.

  10. ummmm .....


  11. The bible reads too much like one of those ancient books of black magic.  They need to change it and make it seem more like reality and get rid of that stuff from the dark ages

  12. This question seems you are trying to joke and make fun of peoples beliefs to upset them which you shouldn't do.

  13. No offence, but the people who have been negative towards are @ss holes because, you are disrespecting people who are christians including me.

  14. Sit down and read the Bible! There are really exciting things in there if you are open minded.

  15. Hmmmmmmmm

    It is obvious to me that you never read it!

    x x x

  16. No. The Bible is not for everybody, only a few.  Harry Potter is made to sell to the masses, like all the other wordly stuff.

  17. Well, it is an awful lot like Harry Potter.  I mean, magic words?  Magical deeds?  Really stereotypical bad guys? Hello.

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