
Do you think the boy who was killed in oxford street got what he deserved?

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Was the person who attacked him related to the girl who he was accused of attacking, Does anyone know?,,30100-1316090,00.html




  1. what ever the story it's wrong to kill

  2. No matter what he was accused of, there is never an excuse for people to take the law into their own hands & hand out retribution.

  3. Sorry, but you're all acting dispicably. Remember, this is a human life, and yeah he did wrong, but that's not the point. Innocent or guilty of some terrible crime, we all have a right to life. And how do you know this wasn't just some random stabbing that happened to get this guy - it could be someone totally innocent that he stabs next time.

    oh, and what happened to innocent until proven guilty?

  4. Whatever this man did or didn't do - does it justify homicide???  Emphatically NOT!!!!!

  5. No he didn't get what he deserved but his life of crime is now at least completely over with. It is time to take the streets back.

  6. We have courts of Law to provide the required punishment, now that person has ruined what was left of his life.....

  7. I dont think we should be a judge like your wanting to do i dont think anyone deserves death OR taxes just like everyone deserves to bare erms

  8. You must be joking- NOBODY deserves to be killed !

  9. No person deserves to die like that but undoubtedly he was a person who appears to have enjoyed violence and consequently could expect to be attacked in some way during his lifetime.

  10. He was an animal! Everyone saying that he didn't deserve it, would you be saying that if you knew the girl? imagine your sixteen year old sister was gang raped and chemically burned? Wouldn't you want to kill the animals who did it?

  11. Good question and a tough one to answer. I never knew the full story regarding the guy that was murdered and it goes to show he was a disgusting excuse for a human being. However I have also heard the police say this was not a targeted attack. I dont think you can ever be happy when one person murders another but when you see how pathetic the justice system is in britain you can maybe see the reason why he done it (if it was pre-meditated). Murder can never be justified in my opinion so I believe it shouldn't have happened.

  12. Got what he deserved? Charged and awaiting trial for something is not the same as yes he did it. I've had a mate accused of sexual assault by a lass and would have been charged... it's only his good luck that he could prove he hadn't actually been in town at all that week that saved him. Nothing gives you better proof than being on a warship out in the Atlantic. But by your logic if someone had killed him before he could prove it wasn't him it would have been justifiable.

    You're saying that accusation is enough of a motive for punishment. Next you'll be telling us you don't need a trial, just string people up outside the prison to save time.

    Oh, and in case you had forgotten, there's no death penalty in this country. Whether he was guilty or not.

  13. He definately got what he deserved if he gang raped that poor girl, I hope he rots in h**l R.I.H

  14. Perhaps a b!oody good hiding would have been better. or perhaps shoved a broom stick up his a@se  let him see how he likes it, the sick W@nker

    But i have no sympathy for him at all, he is evil scum who gang raped a 16 year old with 9 others. so what goes around comes around.

    Just a shame the other 9 was not with him at the time, but i bet they are all watching their backs now just in case.

  15. he never suffered enough!!!

    i hope there is a h**l, and he feels the worst of it.

  16. Do we know if he was quilty? We cannot pre-judge. But and only if..... I feel guilty writing it, but if yes he got what he deserved. I feel so sorry for his family though.

  17. Like I said more piece of shite cleared from the streets of Tottenham/Hackney....only another hundred thousand to go.......let them implode upon themselves and take each other out. ***** them.

  18. It would appear so, but sadly no.

  19. No one deserves to die. And for the poster asking what if it was my daughter: I have a daughter. I worry about her all the time. If she was hurt in the same way, I wouldn't wish death on her attacker. Death is too easy. I would wish that person a long life of pain, suffering and regret in the worst jail within the laws of the land. And I'd make d**n sure they had the right person first.

  20. if its true then he got off lightly

  21. How come he was on bail? If he was a suspect for that horrific crime it beggars belief, and if he was guilty I couldn't give a toss what happened to him.

  22. He was a gang rapist so really I dont care how he died - they should have stabbed him in the stomach and made it even more painful as far as I am conerned.

    Revolting chavvy hoodies - I wish they all just stabbed each other to death and then the rest of us could get on with our lives.

    They think they are like Puff Daddy or Jay Z but in reality they are a bunch of bike riding losers.  

    If we started promoting that image of them their b*llsh*t 'pimp' attitude would go out of fashion very quickly

  23. I know vigilanteism is wrong and I don't take part in it. Murder is obviously wrong.

    However, if - and it is a big IF - it is true that he took part in this horrific attack then, quite frankly, good riddance to bad rubbish. Compared to what that poor girl went through and will go through for the rest of her life, he has had a very easy escape.

    I'm sorry, but my heart doesn't bleed at all for rapists, I detest them, and I am particularly sickened by the likes of this creature who not only put the victim through an unimaginable horror but then proceeded to burn her with acid to destroy the evidence. I couldn't care less how much the perpetrators suffer, it d**n well serves them right, and in all honesty I hope they all get what's coming to them.

  24. I feel far less sorry for his family now i know about the "caustic soda" and rape stuff.. i don't think he deserved to die, but who really cares that much, if he was that sort of person?

  25. He had only been charged with the rape etc and not tried or convicted so I would say innocent until proven guilty.    He may very well be guilty but that's no excuse for someone to take the law into their own hands.  Now that person will probably spend a good portion of their life in prison for murder.

  26. karma

  27. Nobody deserves to be killed. He was irresponsible and his death is in no way a tragedy, but it's dangerous to start saying someone deserves to die.

  28. Of course he did. What he did to that girl is worse than killing someone.

    They guy was scum and i hope his family realise this.

  29. I have to agree with the previous person who posted that he wasn't tried or proven guilty in court yet. What if it was the wrong guy? What if he was really innocent? Things like that to take into consideration first.

  30. Only if he'd been left to rot for a bit first.

  31. How do we know he was invovled in the rape? The case didn't go to trial - so we don't know! That is the point of a system of Law! Isn't it?

    Who ever killed him has ruined his lfe forever.  It's not easy to live with the fact you've killed someone

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