
Do you think the children today are growing up to fast?

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or at least doing things that even adults shouldn't do?

Do you think the adult world and culture has changed the way children are as a whole?




  1. Yes, in many cases children are growing up too fast but I think it's because so many grownups are acting like children. Poor kids are just confused and getting the wrong social messages. ♥ ∞

  2. absolutely!!

  3. It seems to me that in today's society there is a race for 12-13 year olds to try to act like what they see as stereotypical 18 year olds (having s*x, drinking, watching MTV, ETC) and then stay that way until they are 30

  4. I think children are consuming a lot of substances that did not exist in the grocery store 20 or 30 years ago, and that's having an impact on their hormones and growth. While it looks like they are healthier, for many, they are just becoming obese or having health problems like allergies or psychological problems related to concentration and socializing.

    Because they have more mature bodies, they are more likely to engage in promiscuous activities, and because the standards of film and education have become less censored and more "acceptance oriented", much of this activity suffers far less consequences in the minds of children.

    As for their minds, the children growing up today appear to lack a great deal of common sense in practical matters, depending more heavily on academic and media sources for wisdom.

  5. Yup. It's really sad, too. Innocence is precious, and it lasts such a short time. I wish people would take more care with their children's innocence instead of letting them throw it away because "everyone's doing it" or they don't want to deal with little Billy and Susie having a tantrum when they are told "no". Kids should stay kids for as long as possible IMO.

  6. I don't think that children are growing up fast enough.  It wasn't that long ago that young people were considered adults at 16 years old and were expected to accept adult responsibilities.  Now kids are in their 20's and are still extremely irresponsible and totally incapable of looking after themselves.

    I think that children are exposed to so much media geared towards adults that they have adult tastes but that doesn't make them grown up.  Children will not grow up until we force them to be responsible for their actions.

    As adults we must accept at least partial responsibility for the problems with kid these days.  We bail them out far to often and we let them get away with "Its not my fault" far too often.

  7. Yes. They will progress back to being childish when they are adults.

  8. Yes.

  9. Because I am long past my teens, my initial response is to say yes. But, I think the older generation has always thought that the kids were growing up too fast. Kids are exposed to adult information at a much younger age now due to the internet, and they are no longer waiting until adulthood to shoot people that make them angry. That doesn't meant they are growing up too fast. Too fast for their parents, maybe. But who's to say that they haven't been growing up too slow all these years.

  10. yeah.. I see that younger kids grow up quicker. It's weird.

  11. compared to what? Historically puberty equaled adulthood in terms of the ability to marry, start a family and work (work often started even before puberty) it's only been since the child advocacy movements that "childhood" has been extended to age 18.

  12. I don't know. But isn't it good?...I mean they'll learn faster and everything.

  13. Yes and yes.  Children might inadvertently see p**n on the Internet, TV shows that "show" too much, cartoons "made" for adults but children watch, etc.   I'm sure social decay, with the lack of morals, has affected children.

  14. Some, yes.  However I think these children get far too much publicity and the responsibility is far too often taken off the parents and put on society as a whole.  There are children out there doing EXACTLY what they should be because their parents are doing EXACTLY what they should be.  Sadly they get far too little recognition.  They become over shadowed by irresponsible children, with irresponsible parents.  There are wonderful parents out there who's children end up doing irresponsible things...but far too often this is not the case.

  15. No. Prior to the 20th century, heck, even the first half of the 20th century, there was no concept of a teenager. There were just children and adults, and childhood ended around 12 or 13 years old, especially for girls. It was not uncommon for a 16 year old to be married with 1 or 2 children.

  16. i think that bcause the rate of single mothers have increesed there isnt a fatherly figure in the possition to have disipline on how their kids act.... like if a grl dosnt grow up with a father she will go out with a ton of guys get pregnant and start the processes over again unless she is lucky and can find a loveing man.... serisly most  fathers r extreemly protective of there grls

  17. too fast...

    fast because they are having children when they are children themselves!

  18. Yes.

    I think that children are given more responsibilities today and therefore expect more privileges. 12 year olds go to school for 8 hours a day, have couple hours of homework, have another couple of hours of sports practices, and then have to come home and to chores. When do they get to play? Since they are working like adults they think they should be able to act like adults. Only problem is that unlike adults they have a hard time predicting the consequences for their actions which is why they start drinking, smoking, and having s*x.

    Also children are dealing with issues that they shouldn't have to deal with. For example, if mom and dad are getting a divorce it shouldn't be the child's problem, but all too often the parents put the child in the middle.

    I think the only way to stop children from growing up so fast is to just let them be children. Let them play. Keep them out of things that shouldn't concern them.

  19. Absolutely, completely agree with you. Its disgusting how some little children are allowed to act and dress, in quite a gross manner atracting in my eyes perverts etc.

    I believe kids should be kids for aslong as possible and should stay innocent for aslong as possible because that is what children are.

    I think shops should stop selling clothes that clearly a little kid should not wear and perhaps the t.v or the parents controlling what they allow thier kids to watch, put on suitable  programmes.

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