
Do you think the china's gymnast are underage?

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I think those girls look at least 10 years old. What do you think?





  2. If so, its not 1 gold its 4 gold metals.  They going to take all gold from china gymnast team in the relay.

  3. that one looks younger that 10, I think I saw one with a pacifier, cheating china men.

  4. PLEASE STOP ASKING THIS QUESTION! Seriously there are a million like this , stop trying to create problems. who cares what their ages are, if they are underage so china minus 1 gold medal? hmm they'll still have more gold than usa

  5. No, there is no way those little girls are 16 or 17, I would say 11 or 12 is more likely. But, while it is against the rules, and what some people would call "cheating", I think it isn't a horrible thing that they are under aged. Think about it: These girls are taken at age 3 from their families and friends to go to a special gymnastics school. They train every day, almost all day. And from age 3, do you know how many times they see their parents? Once. Think about it: Only seeing your parents one time every year... when you're a toddler. These young girls have worked very, VERY hard to be in the Olympics, what's a few years?

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