
Do you think the chinese have rigged the olympics? ?

by Guest62155  |  earlier

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The judges have beeen very favorable towards them....




  1. I agree, but it happens at every olympics not just China

  2. I agree that the Chinese have rigged the olympic games, but not the athletes, the judges of course, but still the U.S manages to stay on top so I'm not complaining :)

  3. these judges are not chinese, why would they do it?

  4. yes, the gymnastics judges are dirtier than my week old underwear

  5. Heh, I've thought that a couple times myself, especially while watching tonight... (Chinese vaulter won the bronze after landing on her knees, another Chinese girl won the gold for the uneven bars after tying Nastia to the THOUSANDTH (!) of a point b/c of some strange, arbitrary tie-breaking procedure -- it was argued they should have both received golds.)

    ... But I think the general consensus is that the judges aren't being bribed or are just biased towards the Chinese; no, the NBC commentators are inclined to think they're just incompetent. :p

    Because of the arcane gymnastics committee's rules, a judge and an athlete can't come from the same country. Which is all well and good for eliminating patriotic bias, but when you consider the countries with decent gymnastics programs will most likely have athletes in the competition, what does that leave you?

    With judges from the exalted gymnastics programs of Bulgaria, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. Nice.

    How about hiring judges who can tell the difference between landing on your feet and landing on your knees? That might be a good start towards (faking) fairness.

    The whole thing reminds me of the Canadian-Russian figure skating fiasco from a couple Olympics back, so it isn't like this is anything new, or anything Chinese, in particular. You'd just hope that, by now, if they were gonna rig the Olympics, they'd have learned to do it with a bit more subtlety. :D  

  6. Not rigged but very dodgie



  8. It's going to happen wherever you are. Wait til the winter olympics in BC or London in 2012. I think the more asked question is the age of the gymnasts...

  9. heck no, if the judges were favorable toward them,  Nastia Liukin wouldn't have won the individual female gymnastics. so the judges are fair. and if you are talking about diving, there were NON asian judges, they were also amazed by the chinese divers. so no.

    and also, just because the chinese people have won a lot of gold medals, it only proves that they have been working really hard, not that they have to RIG the olympics to accrue enough medals.

  10. I agree.  The Americans are getting way too many medals.  Clearly it is rigged.

    Oh, wait, I just remembered.  I'm a jealous Canadian.  I should just accept every American medal as clean and every Chinese medal as tainted.

    Oops.  How silly of me.

  11. itz this new scoring system that rewards highly on difficulty even though you mess that all up

    that just happened to magically appear during beijing olympics

  12. fug it!

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