
Do you think the chinese lied about the gymnasts age so they can win some golds in the olympic ?

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"BEIJING - Just nine months before the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese government's news agency, Xinhua, reported that gymnast He Kexin was 13, which would have made her ineligible to be on the team that won a gold medal this week.

In its report Nov. 3, Xinhua identified He as one of "10 big new stars" who made a splash at China's Cities Games. It gave her age as 13 and reported that she beat Yang Yilin on the uneven bars at those games. In the final, "this little girl" pulled off a difficult release move on the bars known as the Li Na, named for another Chinese gymnast, Xinhua said in the report, which appeared on one of its Web sites,"

Do you believe this report ? If this is true, what's going to happen ? Are they going disqualified and stripped of their medals ?




  1. Americans are really bitter and racist when it comes to foreigners winning any competition. Now that team America (world police!) got blown out in gymnastics they are whining about cheating and making up all sorts of slander in the U.S. media. Asians in the U.S. are treated like c**p and second class citizens but you see Americans go around preaching about human rights and whatever. Yeah right! Look at Iraq and what a craphole it is now because of U.S. "freedom" that's what their idea of human rights is.

  2. Does it REALLY matter if they are under 16 or not, they are the best China has.  If not I'd hate to see the best.

  3. They blatantly lied and their arrogance is repugant.  I cannot believe anyone can possibly defend their actions.  I don't care what race you are or how many excuse about "oh, they just look young", 16 year-olds do NOT have baby teeth.  

    If the other countries had stooped to China's level there could have been a totally different group competing against China, like maybe our 13 year-olds.  But you know the Olympic Committee would have shipped the U.S. team back home in a heartbeat for doing the same thing.  

    Maybe the Olympic Committee and gymnastics associations will get the courage to speak up once their last member's flight has left Chinese airspace.  

  4. its all just silly hyped up spam!!!!!!!!!

    its deceptive , there is no way possible they can be underage it would be mission impossible  to scandal (cheat , call it what you want) so blaintantly at such a high level (scale) event


  5. Rules are there for a reason. If they aren't going to follow the rule just to win then where is the sportsmanship, where is the honor? These ge irls will be just as good, if not better in 4 years why not wait? Mao Asada of Japan could have gone to the Olympics for figure skating when she was 15, but the committee said no. But look at her now, she can fall and still win the world championship. She will be amazing at the Vancouver Olympics in 2010. Rules are rules. There should be an investigation and when it comes out these girls aren't 16 they should be stripped of their medals. It doesn't matter they are the best China has to offer, rules are there for a reason.  

  6. The IOC isn't going to do anything about it, so who really cares...Age limit in the olympics is already dumb...

  7. I herd about that on TV

  8. I think they did lie. If they didn't lie then I want to see the SAME EXACT gymnast in 4 years. It would be weird for them to have ALL new gymnast in 4 years after this team won gold.

    But how come they just so happened to have 3 girls on the team that ALL happen to be under BMI for there age? One girl is missing a tooth. So that's questionable.

    Then again if they are 16, Congratulations to them. They are great short, small, gymnast. :)

  9. I think they are underage. Their ages were reported to be 14 in China Daily, People's Daily, and Sina, all of which are government owned or run There is also evidence from an inner-city registration list and one of the gymnast's own coaches.

    Americans are not saying this out of "poor sportsmanship". It was reported in the New York Times in July, before the Olympics started.

    China has a history of age falsification in the Olympics. At the 2000 Sydney Olympics Chinese gymnast Yang Yun competed and won a bronze medal in the uneven bars. Yang's passport said she was born on December 24, 1984 and turning 16 in the year of the Games, making her eligible. She later confessed in a television interview that she was only 14 at the time of the competition and that she and her coaches had lied about her age.

    If the girls really were 16 it could be proven using an MRI scan.

  10. As an American, I believe that the World was cheated by China because of the fact they broke the rules with athletes younger than the age limit put forth by the IOC.  We're all getting screwed by the IOC because it seems they may have been "strongarmed" by the politburo, secret police or the "chairman" himself before the games into believing that China's athletes are of age and that the judges should favor China, otherwise face sanctions, possible "reprogramming", discipline, or expulsion from the games.

    Anyone that is blind to those facts and don't know how communist governments operate should start learning about them and how they utilize shady practices to get what they want.

    The ugly, prepubescent, yellow snaggletooth Chinese "girls" gymnastic team don't know what's up because the government lied to them about the age limit, but were required to have those crusty, cheesy smiles as prescribed by the communists.  If they did not smile as ordered or tried to act more mature than their age of 10-13, then their pet dogs would be kidnapped and eaten in Bejing's finest restaurants.....  "No Gold Medal, no more Fido....."  

    Also, to those that did not watch the games or know anything about scoring in gymnastics, the Chinese have dull and uninteresting routines and apparatuses that are just not exciting.  Japan, USA, Germany and Russia are risk takers and should have gotten higher scores because they completed the required elements, but added higher risk moves too.  China also made more mistakes, missteps during landings and had flexed arms or legs when they should have been straighter.  The World's countries made less mistakes but were docked points for them while China kept their scores intact, with mistakes.....  Anyone that watched it, but denies China received favors from the judges are blind and cannot see clearly.....    

  11. Yes, as there is plenty of evidence they lied -- birthdates that have mysteriously been changed, an admission of prior cheating by a Chinese gymnast, and the opinion of a forensic expert.

  12. If we don't have any scientific evidence, we can not conclude they are underage or not, right? we are all educated people. We should know that. evidence, evidence...

    When female gets too much exercise, it will slow down her body development. it is fact.

    I have a sister in-law, 23, look like a 15.  

    I believe the underage question just came out from some sour grapes.

  13. As an American I admire the Chinese doing whatever it takes to be the best.  That project 119 or whatever it is they started 4 years ago to win as many gold medals as they can is paying off right now.  I admire there dedication and competitive spirit.  They have gold is all the counts mentality and I agree.  Bronze and silver are just for losers.

  14. Do you think this question has been asked and answered enough already?  

  15. Well I am a HUGE USA fan but I think the Chinese deserved the gold. I don't question their age because that's just looking for an excuse.

    Congratulations China

    Go Team USA!!

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