
Do you think the cities should be green?

by  |  earlier

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should all pavements in cities be grass and plants on window sills

be better than looking at grey all the time




  1. That would cost billions and would be nearly impossible.

  2. yeah sure

  3. YES!!! Cities are the main source of pollution that's killing the world!!!

  4. Yes, but we'll never do it.

  5. The Impossible Dream...

  6. Greening the built environment is an excellent idea, that I have heard of before.  It means proper stewardship of the man made environment to overcome the impacts.  I hope you will research this and write a book, give lectures and campaign too.  No, seriously I totally approve of greening the cities for humans as well as the wildlife that hang out in it.

    I have added a link to a not so city like home.

  7. The grass would get trodden down, like in the woods when people walk over the same spots and it creates a path.

    Yeah, turn the cities green and paint the town red, give this blue planet a different colour :P

  8. They should all be painted like Balamory

  9. i think that they should use solar pannels on big building that use a lot of power on buildings in the cities.

  10. With large numbers of people moving about we really serve our vegetation's needs by providing walkways. Trampling here and there over all of it is very hard on it.

    It is likely that we need to preserve a few zones for mass transit, even transportation of the things we need . Lets go for a transportation corridor every 2 km or so. But we could keep it covered with grass or vines?

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