
Do you think the criminal justice system is fair?

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Do you think the criminal justice system is fair?




  1. If it were enforced, then it might be considered fair.

  2. No,

    not when money can buy you justice or freedom.

  3. No; too harsh on the little things and too lenient on the big things.

  4. yes, i think it is fair that they keep murders and rapists in prison.

    no, i don't think it's fair that they also put people in with those guys for having weed.

    i guess they are doing the best they can.

    too many people in the kitchen though, if you ask me.

    so many laws.

  5. It is quite fair, but that does not mean that there are not significant improvements that we can make.

  6. On the whole, it is fair. Usually, victims are treated with care and perpetrators are treated with justice.

    It seems that law breakers often feel like they are the victim, they forget their actions.

  7. In most cases, yes it is

  8. absolutely not. there is no  justice its all about money they dont give a d**n about us

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