
Do you think the criminals in America are sad that the Anti-gun loons failed to make their workplace safer?

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Do you think the criminals in America are sad that the Anti-gun loons failed to make their workplace safer?




  1. Look at the violent crime stats for any and every state that has relaxed its gun laws concerning law abiding citizens owning guns and notice that in every one that violent crime and gun related crime has gone DOWN!

    Most criminals are cowards and are reluctant to rob, rape or steal from a person that they feel has a good chance of defending themselves.

    To directly answer the question, Yes!

  2. I don't think most crooks follow the news that closely.

  3. lol

  4. lol

    I'm sure, I would have been a millionaire over night if it passed.

  5. They did suffer a severe set back didn't they? Maybe OSHA can help them out.

  6. In the library of congress, there are crime stats dating back to the days of the wild west. In the days when everyone had a six shooter strapped to there side. I might surprise you to know there was less crime in the entire country per-capita then now. No matter what pro or anti guns advocates do.

    But the difference back then that the criminals would not like is this question could not be asked. Because you could shoot them dead. The USA's tax payers did not have to finance a 38 billion dollar a year tab for the largest prison population on the planet. Political correctness, the criminals do not care they live better them a lot of working class families. Kill them in mass numbers is the only way you can make them sad/scared not all these laws.

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