
Do you think the debt collection agency will go easy on me

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I got a letter from a collection agency for an unpaid medical bill of 192.00. I am unable to work because of a disability and my social security eligibility determination has not been made yet. As a result I am unable to pay the bill. So do you think the collection agency will go easy on me and what should I do about the bill?




  1. A collection company CAN take you to court to get it's money, however, this is unlikely for debts under $1500. It is unlikely a collection company would be willing to establish a payment plan as well, so if you are unable to pay upfront, you may want to call them on their threat and see if a claim materializes.

    There is an alternative. If you are unable to pay the full amount up front, you may draw up your own payment plan yourself, signed by you, and mail it (certified return receipt) to the collection company with a check for the first installment (Say even just $50). By them cashing your check, they are, in effect, accepting your agreement, and even if they take you to court anyway, you now have evidence of your trying to pay, and their accepting of your terms. It will, at the very least, provide you some limited protection if they were to try you in court.To get more information about debt collection visit online resource


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