
Do you think the disabled get upset to easy..

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I am asking you,,,mainly cause most on here are able body..But how do you see the disabled especially ones with physical disable...Do you see them as agree and bitter towards life....Please be honest cause I just want to see how we are seen in the public eye...Thank you....




  1. I will just say that disabled people are just like everyone else in that some get upset while others don't. Most of the disabled people I see are so much happier than I am and I am not disabled. My family is always telling me to be happy with what I've got because their are people who are less fortunate than I am in many ways. Anyway, most disabled people have such a positive outlook on life.  

  2. No, not really.  I can't go with that stereotype because I've known disabled people who are not, and equally important, far too many able bodied people who are.  A lot of ppl have stuff happen that effects their lives in negative ways.  Those who choose to get stuck in blaming, judging, and self-pity instead of moving on are disabling themselves.  A physical or mental disablity has nothing to do with that.  Everyone feels these emotions at one time or another.  The difference is choosing to allow them to dominate or choosing to get help if one is stuck in them.  Although a lot of disabled ppl have some added challenges (including stereotypes), a great many find their way through or around them.  Conversely, a lot of able bodied people choose alcohol and to sustain themselves on anger and hate.

    I have an illness that is considered a disability, btw.  So, I'm not speaking either side of this coin w/o understanding the face that appears on each.  There are a great many types of illnesses.  The only one that is truly disabling is the one in your head that says you are not worthy or as good as others.  That disability has not bounds, and the "disabled" certainly have not lock on it.  I'd say many more able bodied people do.

  3. I see them as people.

    Each have their own character some are moody and disagreeable, some are nice, some are stupid and others smart. One does not have much contact with disabled people as one does not have a chance to meet them too often.

    I did work with one woman who was in a wheel chair. She was  kind of a negative person and I would not have wanted to be friends with her because she used to  complain frequently.

    On the other hand my son has a friend who has CP due to an accident at birth in which he was deprived of oxygen. He is like all the other youths and quite nice, pleasant and intelligent. He hangs out with them all the time and goes where they go and does what they do. So ypu know people are people.

  4. I am disabled.  I don't usually get moody at all.  I do just what I want to do all day long at home, and if I want to go out, I arrange to do that.  It beats working 16 hours a day, 6 days a week, I'll tell you.  

  5. Since I grasduated from nursing school 30 yrs ago, I only took care of the mentally and physically disabled.  Depending on the age of the person or their mental status, most do not pity themselves.  It's the way the population percieves them.  Many do not see themselves as handicapped or disabled because they can still do as they please, just in a more limited capacity.  One of my patients said to me once. "I never feel disabled and I wish people would stop pitying me.  I can still function.  This chair doesn't stop me.  I can still love, and feel. I just want to be teated like everyone else."  He was right,  The elderly were a little different because of the degree of whatever disease of the mind they had, but that's something different.  Too long to get into.  Hope that helps.

  6. No, I don't think they get upset easy.  It might appear that way, but the answer is no.  Can you imagine your frustration if you were unable to use your legs?  

    Okay, picture this.  Pretend your family had been planning a trip to the most awesome amusement park in the world.  You'd been looking forward to it for months and months...  Then, the night before you were to leave, you came down with a terrible flu virus.  Now, you feel too sick to go to the park.  You can't even get out of bed.  Would you be in a very good mood?  No.  You'd be disappointed and frustrated at the limitations of your body.

    Now imagine that you are in a wheelchair and the only wheelchair access point to the grocery store is blocked because a delivery guy put 30 cases of toilet paper in your way.  Most people could just take the stairs....  would that make you angry?  Yeah.

    It would be incredibly frustrating at times to try to maneuver in a world that is not designed for you.  To an able bodied person, a curb in the street is not an obstacle.  To someone with a physical disability, it is yet another challenge in a day full of challenges.  I would imagine that to be very frustrating.  I doubt anyone would be in a great mood all the time.

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